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As Sherman begin to regain consciousness, he noticed his wrists were tied down to a table, and there were a bunch of needles with wires attached to them stuck into the back of his hands. "Hello Sherman." Said Mr.Peabody, sounding just as cold as he did before. "How do you feel?" Sherman opened his mouth to respond, but the words he was meaning to say did not come out. Instead he said, "I feel good, Mr.Peabody." What? Thought Sherman, horrified. "Good." Said Mr.Peabody, typing something into the computer. Sherman suddenly felt as if someone had sent an electric shock to his brain. Mr.Peabody smiled and looked at Sherman again. "Now, are you ever going to use the Wayback again?" "No Mr.Peabody." Replied Sherman, unable to say anything else. "Good." Replied Mr.Peabody. "Get up." Mr. Peabody said calmly, though sounding just as cold. He began typing

a command into the computer. Sherman suddenly felt the wires come out of his skin, and the restraints lifted off his wrists and ankles. He sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the table. "This is your punishment, Sherman. And don't tell me you don't deserve it. Oh wait," He stopped to chuckle to himself, "you can't." Sherman felt a lump rise in his throat. He knew he shouldn't have used the Wayback, but was this really the right punishment? No, said a voice in the back of Sherman's head, it's not. Sherman glanced over at Mr. Peabody, who had returned to reading the paper like nothing had happened. He had left the computer unoccupied. Sherman looked around nervously, making sure Mr.Peabody had not moved. He took advantage of the moment and attempted to run to the computer, but then released that he was was unable to move his legs. Mr.Peabody lowered his paper and smiled. "Nice try, Sherman. I am in control of you now. If you try to step out of the lines again, " he held up a dangerous looking object, " this is what I will have to use on you. 1000 volts of electricity all directed to your brain. Not very nice sounding, is it Sherman?" Sherman shivered. Mr.Peabody grinned maliciously and placed the object back down next to him.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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