Mr. Peabody

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"Where are we going today, Mr.Peabody?" Asked Sherman, peering hopefully at Mr.Peabody through his round glasses. Mr.Peabody said nothing, and instead continued reading his paper. "Mr.Peabody..?" Sherman asked again, inching closer. "Why don't you talk to me anymore? We used to go on great adventures together, remember?" Mr.Peabody still didn't move. Sherman still continued to move closer to Mr.Peabody. "What happened? Why don't you like me anymore?" Said Sherman, taking off his round spectacles and rubbing his eyes. Mr.Peabody glanced at Sherman over his paper, his eyes full of coldness and hatred. His fur was a mess, covered in dirt and infested with fleas. Sherman caught his gaze, and smiled weakly. "Mr.Peabody?" He asked, reaching out a hand. Mr.Peabody growled, baring his teeth. "Why did you do it, Sherman? I am sure I made it quite clear to you not to use the Wayback, but still you did, and look at what has become of me." Sherman backed away, his eyes tearing up again. "M-Mr.Peabody, I-I'm really sorry! I didn't know! I just wanted to help Penny!" Mr.Peabody put down his paper and moved towards Sherman, teeth still bared. "If you will not learn your lesson your own, I will have to fix you myself." Sherman's breathing came out in raspy puffs now. "N-no! Mr.Peabody! Please! I'm really, really sorry! It won't happen again! Honest!" Mr.Peabody growled, cornering Sherman against the wall. "You will have to learn your lesson, Sherman. You have been a bad boy. I will alter your brain, Sherman." Sherman screamed as Mr.Peabody grabbed him, dragging him onto the floor violently. "STOP! STOP IT MR.PEABODY! IT'S ME, SHERMAN! WE USED TO BE BEST FRIENDS!" Sherman burst into tears, trying to shove Mr.Peabody off him, but it was too late. Mr.Peabody was holding a syringe filled with a harsh, purple coloured liquid. "When you wake up, you will be a good boy, Sherman."

Evil Mr. PeabodyWhere stories live. Discover now