i was a little taken back at that comment

how did this girl know my name?!

she rolled her eyes and laughed

"it's your biggest rival, nadia turner"

she said to me jokingly

i widened my eyes and took a step back

this was nadia?!?

back in middle school she was on the debate team, and we were head in head

but in 8th grade she suddenly disappeared, never to be seen until today

her appearance had changed significantly, and she was jaw dropping gorgeous

"close your mouth john, you might start drooling"

i turned to see kenzie standing behind me, squinting her eyes at nadia

"who's this john? wanna introduce me?"

i opened my mouth again to speak but nothing came out

so nadia answered for me

"hi! my name is nadia turner, and i'm johnny's biggest rival. i've never seen you at his debates before. who are you?"

i don't think she meant to be rude, but kenzie certainly thought of it that way

she instantly became flustered, grabbed my hand, and dragged me away from nadia

did i have it in for me

"hey john, you did great at the debate, i'll be leaving now"

she quickly hugged me, glared at nadia, and walked out of the room, probably to find hayden

i walked back towards nadia, with a sheepish smile

"i'm sorry about that, kenzie has been a bit sensitive these days and-"

"it's fine john"

she reassured me

she placed a hand on my shoulder, and grinned

"maybe we could see each other soon? you know, out of the debate setting?"

i looked at her shocked at how straight forward she was being

"i might be transferring to this school because of some... let's just call them "problems". would that be ok with you?"

i nodded my head quickly, and grinned at her

before anything else could happen, lauren yelled my name from the door way

"mer is going to kill us if we don't get home right now john"

i apologized to nadia, and ran after lauren

maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing for me

lauren glared at me, very confused

"was that nadia turner? the one who beat you at that awards ceremony once?"

i quickly nodded, and then attempted to stray from the conversation

"so how did hayden and i do? did we do as terrible as we thought?"

she looked at me from above her sunglasses, and smirked

uh oh

"did you really think i was going to stop asking you about nadia? tell me everything"

so i told her about nadia approaching me and not recognizing her

then i told her about kenzie's strange behavior

lauren ate up every word, and slowly grew an evil grin

"you know what john? i think kenzie was jealous of nadia. isn't that great! now you finally have something to use against her"

i shook my head violently

sure, it wasn't that horrible of a plan, but i couldn't take advantage of nadia that way

besides, i think i might actually have a chance with nadia

but i didn't have any experience in that kind of stuff

so i did what any clueless guy would do

i asked for love advice

i guess all i can say is that i was up for a ride

(not like when hayden rode a sheep that one time)

more like if he rode a bull

and i was on it with him

sorry we haven't updated in a while, we were "busy"
and by that i mean watching mamma mia 2 for the second time, and going to six flags again
we also published our new book, jenzie one shots

you should go check it out
until next time 🤠



word count: 988

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