Chapter 10 - Taken

Start from the beginning

We heard her scream and then went quite.

"Goodbye." Someone said.

We all sat there for a minute or two.

"Guy's we have to take this to the police." Liam said

"Will find her." Zayn said

"I hope so." Harry frowned

We finally pulled up to the police station.

"Can I help you?" The lady said

"Yes, my girlfriend has been taken." Harry said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, here's footage we found." Harry explained

She took the video and went to the back room.

~5 minutes later~

"Okay sir we have people getting ready, do you have a photo of her, also I need her name and age."

"Here you go, also her name is Rosa Ana Smith, she's 17." Harry frowned

"Has she made any phone calls since she disappeared?"

"Yes, she called my phone."

"Just in case I want your phone so we can link our system to it, just in case she call's again."

I nodded.

~10 minutes later~

"Here you go, people are out looking. I want you guys to go to places she might be at."

"Okay." Harry smirked

We hoped back into our van and drove around everywhere. Then we decided to stop and get food. Once we got back in the car my phone went off again.

"Rosa is that you?"

"Yes, and no."

"Who are you."

"None of your business. Also nice police work. Rosa has something to say."


" can you meet me at the hotel we are staying at?"


"Be there at 12 sharp."


"Put harry on the phone."

"Babe are you okay?"

" can't be together. I'm sor-"

"Don't say that."


The phone went dead. We received another call, but it was the police station.

"Get here right now!"

"On our way."

Were back at the station.

"Okay Eleanor, your going to wear this head piece so we can hear everything that is going on, its going to be hidden in your hair.


Its 11:50. I headed into a different van. While the boys were in there's. Got out once we pulled up to a corner, so Rosa didn't see me. I turned the corner and ran once I saw her.



I hugged her, and could tell she was cold and was beat.

"I'm sorry but I have to check you, he's watching, but can't hear me." 


She checked me. Lucky she didn't check my hair.

"What happen?"

"Jack..he beat me, and if I go out in public to do something he tells me to do, he puts a bomb on my leg."

"What dose he want?"

Her phone went off. She put it on speaker.


"Eleanor, I'll make a deal, give me a million dollars and you can have Rosa back."

"Okay when do you want it?"

"In thirty minutes, same spot right here, but I want Harry to deliver it, I'm sure he would want to see her."


The line went dead.

"You must go now."

"Rosa what about you."

"I'll be fine, trust me."

I nodded and walked away, when I was almost to the corner I turned around to see a van pulling up to her. They grabbed her, I could tell she was trying to scream.

"Rosa." I yelled, then I fell on the floor crying as the van drove away.

The police van and our van pulled up next to me.

"Eleanor she's going to be fine." Louis whispered

"What's going to happen to her?" Niall asked

"We don't know, but we have to give him what he wants." The police officer said"

"Let's do it." Harry yelled

~20 minutes later~

We pulled back up to the corner and let Harry out. Harry got to the hotel with the bag in his hand, and sat on the curve waiting. I'm glad they put a tracking device in his shoe.

~couple minutes late~

A van pulled up to Harry, two guys got out and grabbed him and put him in the van.

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