Chapter 3 - Busy day

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Harry's Pov

When I woke up I noticed I wasn't in my room, I was still at Rosa's. I looked down and saw her in my arms. Why dose she have to be so cute in her sleep. Then I grabbed my phone and took a picture. It was 9:50, ugh so early wait its Friday, Louis told us she has a rehearsal at noon.

"Rosa wake up."

"Five more minutes."

"Rosa you have rehearsal's's at noon."

"Ugh, what time is it?"

'It's 9:55."

She shot up and then lost her balanced and fell back down.

"Oh I'm sorry... Wait did I fall asleep here last night?"

"Yes, you did sleep-head."

"Oh, as long as I know I'm with you I'm safe."

"Okay, now go get ready. Imma go tell Louis to bring the boys over and some clothes for me to change into."


She kissed my cheek before she left the room. I took my phone out and called Louis.

"Hello Harry."

"Hey Louis, can you bring me some clothes to change into, also the rehearsals at noon."

"I know I didn't forget, will be over in ten."


When Louis hung up I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs. El wasn't down so she must be in her room.

"Good morning Harry."

"Good morning Rosa's mom."

"Call me Mrs. Smith."

"Okay, Mrs. Smith."

"Thank you for being here for Rosa."

"Your welcome."

"So Harry Styles."


"Eleanor told me allot about you."

"She has?"

"Yes indeed."

"Oh, so wheres Mr. Smith I would love to met him."

"Um... he's well you know gone."

"Oh, he's dead?"


"I'm so sorry."

"Thanks it's still hard on Rosa."


"They used to do everything together like horseback ride, camping, and archery. She still dose them sometimes, but hes been gone for five years now."

"Aha. I see."

"She need's someone that can tell her it's alright or be strong. Her father said that to her all the time."

"Well Mrs. Smith I'm here for your daughter, she's a wonderful girl."

"Thank you Harry."

The door bell rings, I got up and answered it. When the boys walked in I introduce them to Mrs. Smith. She started asking them questions, as I was heading up stairs. Once I got near the bathroom I heard El and Rosa talking.

"Rosa your in love."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

Love at First Sight...? Sure!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu