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My name is Reverie Croeshal, a 12-year-old girl.

I have pale skin and a big scar on the left side of my face.

I live in a world full of people who judge me.

I can feel the darkness growing inside of me

And I feel so much smaller in everything.

I live a sad life, but everyone sees me smiling.

I fool them with my fake laughs.

They all think I'm happy and fine.

But they all cannot see,

what's really happening inside of me.

I tried to be strong. I tried to hold it together.

But I can still feel my world is falling apart.

It still hurts me, and breaks me into pieces.

I feel really bad for holding on to things that keep hurting me.

I'm not strong enough to handle it, I can't do this on my own.

I feel like I'm slowly giving up.

I feel like I can't fight anymore.

But I still choose not to quit.

Because I've promised myself,

To embrace all of my dreams and to never let them go.

But I hope there's somebody,

That can wrap their arms around me.

Embrace me with enough faith and make me feel whole again.

I need someone to spend their life with me,

Through good times and bad times.

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