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You were alone.

Alone in a bar, Red's Bar to be exact. It was raining outside, you had nothing else to do for the next 2 hours. Or what you thought when your phone rang on the counter. You slipped it into your hand and pulled it to your ear. "Lieutenant L/N?"


"Change of plans, a homicide was reported just a few minutes ago. The Captain wanted you there now." You were gonna come up with an excuse but it'll be no use since you were a very good detective. You never replied to him, "Hank will be there, you know he can't do it on his own." You sighed heavily, gulping down the rest of the cup. "I'll be over in 10." You then hung up, standing up from your seat and tossing down a twenty and walked straight through the door to your expensive car that was a red mustang.

You worked your ass off everyday for the stupid vehicle. You heard whimpers come from the car, "Hush, Ace." You said as you jumped into the seat, your dog forcefully jumps in front wagging his tail happily for your return. "Sit." You say, he does as told and you reached over to pet his head. Ace was not to old, you trained him to be a tracker. He started as a bomb tracker to an android tracker.

You loved having him by your side, but he loved it more when you were with him. You never leave him home, he hated it. He had a love for androids though he can sniff out deviants. It was still raining but it never bothered you that much. You pulled over in front of an old car that was Hank's.

"Alright, Ace. It's your time." You opened the door and Ace jumped out standing by your side. You walk through the hologram tape and met one of the officers. "Where's Hank?" You asked, the officer points into the house, "He's in there, with an android."

"Android?" You asked while entering the unpleasant smell of rot and blood. "Jesus Christ, what the fuck happened in here?"

"Lieutenant L/N, good to see you. It's been a while." Your friend, Hank says, "Yep. Sucks that I'm here."

"Yeah, this plastic thing found me at Jimmy's Bar and forced me here." Hank points at the android who was searching the area. "He's not yours?" You asked, Hank scoffs, "Fuck no." 

You felt your nose sting just by smelling in the rotting body. "You brought Ace?" Hank pets the dog, "Thought he'd do some help around here." You said, with your arms crossed. Hank smiles from Ace gently licking his hand. You got used to dead bodies and smell, there was a couple who took care of you when you were younger that smoked and smelled like booze all the time. You noticed the android was coming back from the kitchen.

Ace ran up and sniffed the android's leg causing you to lunged forward and grabbed Ace by his collar, "I'm sorry, Ace doesn't know personal space." You saw the android really look at you, "Lieutenant L/N?"

"Yes, that's me." You never smiled cause you really weren't in a good mood. "Connor." Hank spits out, I forced a smile on my face, "Never seen a detective android."

"I'm an android for deviant cases dealing with androids."

Y/N  ︽       WARM

"Deviants." I hummed, "Deviants are androids that feel emotions." Connor says, "Yeah, I know. Ace here, he's a android tracker. Can sniff any android and track it easily. That's why he got attached to you." You tapped your foot impatiently, you wanted to go home. Nothing was really happening to you, you just felt too tired to work at the moment, Hank noticed this in minutes. "You seem out of it." He says. 

"I'm tired and when I'm tired... I get very impatient." You replied. You grabbed your keys from your jacket and rushed out, "Hey, see you tomorrow, Hank."

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