Chapter 26

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I woke up from my nap to a sharp pain. It's probably Braxton Hicks because it soon went away. I looked at the clock and saw I only slept for an hour. I slowly walked to the bathroom.

Once I was done I walked downstairs to cook something for Mr. Lonzo Ball he will be here soon.

I decided on making something simple and just what he loves. Tacos de asada. Personally that's one of my favorite thing ever. My mom is colombian but my dads mom is Mexican so she taught me a lot of their dishes but, I actually lean more towards the Mexican side sometimes.

I seasoned the meat and started to cook it. I cut all of my cilantro, cebolla, and made my chile. Once that was done I put each thing in its own bowl and waited for Lonzo to get home to start the tortillas because they need to be eaten right away for them to be BOMB.

Hearing the front door open I turned my phone off and set it of to the side getting  up from the chair. I walked to the door seeing Lonzo with his gym bag and his shoes in the other. "hey baby" I hugged his waist as he dropped both things to the floor wrapping his arms around me.

He kissed my lips and mumbled "i'm tired and hungry" into my neck. "well you're lucky because i made tacos de asada". He removed his head from my neck and looked at me "Mannnnn see this why i love you" he kissed my lips three times before walking into the kitchen.

I laughed then I picked his things up setting them to the side and walked into the kitchen seeing him eating the meat by itself from the bowl. "Stooop" I smacked his hand away from it. He laughed "How many tacos you want" I asked he sat there thinking " ummm 8"

"babe that's a lot I thought you were on your diet shit right now" i said chuckling "nah mama dont worry 8 tacos wont do anything ima take a quick shower and i'll be down here okay" he said kissing my forehead walking upstairs. I made 11 tortillas because shit i wanted tacos too.

A couple minutes later i started making our plates i set my down and then lonzo's. I made an horchata and put some in mine and Lonzo's cup. He came downstairs rubbing his hands together "mmm mmm mmm shit my baby a chef" he said licking his lips making me laugh " boy sit down and eat"

We both sat down I grabbed his hands and put them in mine begging the prayer we always did. Once we were done we both said 'amen'.

I looked ta lonzo to see his reaction when he bit into it. As he did he closed his eyes shaking his head side to side " perfect" he kissed my lips "really" I asked "hell yeah"

"Ok" we had our conversation asking each other how our days went. Once we where done we went upstairs and laid in bed watching Power.

Lonzo lifted my shirt up and started rubbing my stomach "Hey mamas" "how's my baby" he said kissing it "she's good she's asleep" as soon as I said that I felt a sharp kick "not anymore"

"I'm sorry" Lonzo laughed as his babygirl started kicking up a storm in there

"My baby so hype" he said as I sat up a little "ugh see what you started Lonzo"

"I'm sorry but I wanted to see my baby happy" he smiled making me smile still feeling around my stomach for her kicks that haven't stopped yet.

"Babe ok it hurts now" I sis das she kicked me extremely hard

"Ok" he put his mouth on my stomach I got my phone out because I have to record this "baby you have to stop cause your hurting mommy okay I'll play with you tomorrow go to sleep it's late" he kissed my stomach one last time pulling my shirt back over it. I smiled at him he came up to my face kissing me. "Your gonna be a great daddy..."

"I love you your gonna be an even better mommy" he said kissing me again "hmmm remember when she first kicked" he said "yeah" I smiled to myself remembering that day.


"Babe I'm so tired" I said laying down rubbing my tiny bumb. He laughed "no one told yo ass to workout but noooo mrs 'I don't want a c section I have to still be healthy' " he mocked me

I laughed "I do have to be healthy"

"I'm kidding I know you do but it's okay to be my chubby baby" he said kissing my lips rubbing my belly. While I just smiled seeing him bond with our baby as he removed them standing up I felt something in my stomach move then a felt a sharper movement.

Realizing it was a kick when I looked down at my stomach seeing it push up. "Babeeeeee hurrry Babe omggg" I screamed as he ran out of the bathroom

"What What What are you ok what wrong" he said coming to my side worried I smiled and grabbed his hand putting it on my belly feeling another kick "holy shit wait was that it" he said with watery eyes. I nodded "Yeah our baby's kicking" smiled as he started talking to it. I wiped my tears "I will always be here for you and mommy ok" he rubbed it kissing it laying down with me wrapping his arms around me laying them softly on my bump.
End of flashback

"That was probably one of my favorite days out of this whole pregnancy... well except when she's kicking a lot and only stops when I tell her" he said making me roll my eyes

"I already know you love your little moments with your baby" I said

"I have a surprise for you" he said standing up going into the drawer next to our bed. He pulled out a bag. "Open it" he said

Opening it I saw a box green and white seeing 'belly buds' written across it. I smiled "for" I questioned with the box in my hand "so she can listen to daddy's music" he said taking it out of my hands taking the stuff out. Setting them all down on the bed. (Belly buds in MM)

I smiled "what if she doesn't like your music" I said playing around "ok don't get fucked up my baby's going to love it" he said with a mug "I'm kidding babe she'll love it" he set everything up plugging them to his phone sticking them on my bare belly. Soon she started kicking listening to her daddy's music but calmed back down and the kicking again then calm.

It was like that for 1hour and 34minutes tillhe decided to take them off and told her "ok go back to sleep i woke you again I'm sorry stop kicking mommy now" he said which she didn't stop making me groan at how hard she just kicked

"Heyy" he screamed into it making me jump "stop or we're not playing anymore" he said in a all seriousness as she stopped almost instantly.

"Oooh daddy's mad" I said laughing making Lonzo laugh " I love my baby but I don't want her hurting you either with her long as legs" he said making me smile.

We laid down talking then hearing his snores. Feeling a light kick in my belly bringing a smile to my face "goodnight babygirl mommy loves you ok" I said rubbing it letting sleep take over my body.


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I loved writing this chapter cause of all the baby cuteness 😂

But hope y'all enjoyed!

‼️‼️Next update if you guys vote🤷🏻‍♀️

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