Chapter 23

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I'm excited because mine and Lonzo's anniversary is coming up. even though we broke up, it don't matter. 2 years is an accomplishment. We started dating July 27, 2017. Now I'm 13 weeks pregnant and couldn't be happier with him. Our baby is growing inside of me day by day and yes we may be moving fast but we love each other and that what matters. I know so many people who are together for their kids and are unhappy I'm just glad that's not us.

We're on our way to my appointment and I was thinking on what to get him. I mean he has everything. But I'm just get him a iced out chain he was looking at last time we went to the mall.

He parked getting out of his side coming to mine to open my door. We walked into the building and were greeted by the secretary. She told us to sit down and sign in. 15 minutes later a nurse came out and called out for us.

"I will be doing your ultrasound and everything today due to all three of our doctors being gone today" she said smiling

"Oh that's fine" I said laying on the seat thingy

"I was told you haven't heard the heartbeat" she said taking out the equipment

"Yeah last time I came was when I found out at 7 weeks and she didn't do because it was early and if we didn't hear anything I would freak out which is true" she laughed

"Well then we'll find it today"

"This might be cold" she put the gel on my stomach. I reached out for Lonzo's hand making him move his chair closer. "Ok you can see here it's little feet and arms" she pointed to the screen. I looked at Lonzo smiling seeing him so focused on the screen.

"She turned the sound on and looked for the heartbeat and instantly you heard this fast pounding fill the room. "That your baby's heartbeat" she smiled

I felt tears running down my face. Lonzo pecked my cheek "I love you" he said with a tear falling down his face

"The heartbeat sound very healthy both arms and legs all 10 fingers and toes" she went back to the regular ultrasound she pointed to the screen "as you can see here the baby's sucking it's thumb. You can also see knees are bent" she kept showing us more stuff and explaining.

"Your next appointment will be to try and find out the gender so at sixteen weeks, when you walk out the receptionist will give you the date and time" she said handing me a napkin I wiped the gel off of my stomach.

I sat up buttoning my jeans. She handed Lonzo the ultrasound pictures.

We walked out into the car. "Our baby is getting so big" he said still looking at the picture I laughed grabbing one my baby was getting big.

"Yeah I'm excited" I said "me too" he stated the car

We stopped by wingstop because I was craving wings and their fries for some reason. When we got home we ate and talked about the baby. We showered together and went to sleep.


3 weeks later

Me and Lonzo and Izzy are at the appointment to find out the gender she's getting and envelope with the gender and we obviously can't know till the gender reveal which she's planning.

I Love You ~ Lonzo BallWhere stories live. Discover now