
"Nevermind. But honestly, why do you work here?"

"I needed a job."

"Very funny, where did you work before this?" He deadpanned, though he actually did find her sarcasm amusing. 

"Um.." She was now folding the designer in an intricate way, making sure it looked nice. Then moving on to tucking the sheets under the mattress, bending down and folding it under.

"Yes?" Alexander said, his mouth curving up into a smirk as she was bending down, and he studied her, bottom half. Getting very distracted and his pants suddenly felt tight. 

"I don't think I should be divulging that information to a customer."

"Aw, you only see me as a customer?" Hennessy looked over and saw that Alexander was sporting a fake pout. She hadn't got to look at him properly and she had to say he was gorgeous. With perfectly tousled dark hair, sharp jawline and his legs extended in front of him in all black suit, he was a snack. She realized she was staring at him and quickly stopped.

"Yes, sir." Hennessy sighed, returning to her work.

"I told you my name is Alexander. And I am sorry for the mess in here, my buddies came in and they trashed the place." Alexander said, tipping the glass of whiskey back. 

"It's fine. It's my job."

"Yeah, they are honestly assholes." Alexander rambled on.

"Mhmm." Hennessy was annoyed at this point, as she just wanted to clean the room in peace and quiet. But now she had to deal with this man rambling.

"We all went to Harvard together."

"Of course you did." Hennessy chuckled, while spraying cleaner on the countertops.

"What does that mean?" Alexander became alert, sitting up a little taller, as he had felt the need to defend himself.

"Nothing, please continue."

"No. What did you mean by 'of course', I'm dying to know." His voice turned cold, and Hennessy instantly wanted the flirting Alexander back, because he was scaring her. 

"Nothing, sir." When Hennessy said this, Alexander shot up from his seat and walked over to her, whilst she was wiping down the counters. When he got up so quickly his whiskey spilled on the floor, making more of a mess for Hennessy.

"What did you mean, Hennessy." His words were toxic, and she scooted away from him.

"God! Nothing." She muttered, moving to a different counter top. She was afraid, and got chills down her spine, because he was reminding her of people she didn't like to think about. 

"Okay! I'll let it go." He walked back to the chair and sat down, grabbing his glass from the floor and filling it yet again.

"So tell me about yourself Hennessy." Alexander said, leaning back as she walked over and sprayed the whisky stain in front of him with stain remover.

"What do you want to know." She entertained his question, and bended down at his feet, rubbing the stain. Alexander smirked yet again, as her breasts were falling out of her top. And from his angle he had the perfect view.

"Tell me about your family." His husky voice muttered, and he couldn't keep his eyes off her, and he took along swing of the whiskey.

"I don't, uh, like talking about them." Hennessy chose her words very carefully. As she didn't want to tip him off. She stood up and walked to the huge bathroom, that was bigger than her whole bedroom.

"Why not."

"It's not your problem."

"I'm sure it would feel great to get off your chest."

"Ha, doubt that." Hennessy was getting sick of the small talk, and she wanted him to leave, and it seemed as though her wishes had been granted.

"Aw, okay. I'll come back tomorrow, and we will visit some more." He said, smiling to himself at the thought of seeing her again.

"Great." Hennessy said sarcastically, and Alexander got up, walked past the living room and looked into the bathroom.

"See you later Hennessy." He whispered. Winking at her before he left.

Hennessy could normally finish a room in under 15 minutes. But because of this occurrence, it took her 45. She was confused for the rest of the day, why the fuck did he talk to her? What did he want? She had so many questions, and she was praying that she wouldn't have to run into him again.

Alexander, on the other hand, couldn't wait till he could see beautiful Hennessy again. He wanted to know why she was so nervous to talk about her family, or her favorite things to do. He could listen to her talk for hours, maybe it was the whiskey, but Alexander knew that wouldn't be the last time they talk.

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