~Rival Or Lovers?~ Ch. 8

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As of writing this, we hit sixty reads! Whoop Whoop! So here's Y/N being a lesbian, like requested, by one person. I was gonna make you (Y/N) les in the first place but said OoH gotta ask the readers hold your horses bitch.

~Y/N's POV~

You woke up and stretched, for a split second you forgot all the shit happening in your life until you look in the mirror. You sigh and get dressed, putting on a crop top and some small shorts and also a little flower crown that looked pretty cute. You brushed your teeth and etc in the bathroom before walking into the living room, seeing Edd asleep on the floor with Daniel and Tanya on the couch. You smile before putting a pillow under Edd's head and wrapping a blanket over him. You giggle at how cute they all look. You put some ear buds in and make yourself some cereal. You start humming to the song 'Distance' (Mentioned in a previous chapter, SKRT SKRT I think.) You didn't realize someone was creeping up behind you, you feel someone gently put their hands on your shoulder, you quickly turn around, punching them in the face. "HOLY HELL TORD.... I about had a panic attack!" You say as you bend down and take deep breaths. "It's a special ability of mine to sneak up on people ey?" He laughs as you smile at him before you walk to your room and eat your cereal. You then clean the dishes before sneakily walking outside and sitting on the steps up to the door. You look at the nice sunrise and smile as the wind gently blew your hair and tickled your skin. You close your eyes in the peacefulness until you hear someone say something. "Ahem, bitch." You look over to see a rival that too was a hybrid, she was the other only recorded hybrid in history's daughter, she seemed to be at least 15 and fuck is she tall as hell! "Oh look who actually got cared for, your mother finally stop being a little pussy and raise you as human and not a wolf sweetie?" You said with a smirk before she replied. "Actually yes, but at least my mom didn't lose a fight to a weak bear, your dad died trying to save your mom! even I could've killed it as a pup!" "Bitch no you couldn't." "Bitch. Yes. I. Could." You grab her by the throat and push her against the house door. "Listen here Rosette, I don't give a fuck what you can do and cannot, all I know is your a stupid, fucking, bitch and that's all you will ever be." You look up at the at least a foot taller girl as you press her against the door with all your power. "Ahahahah... your weak just like your mommy and daddy." You snapped and turned into your wolf form then started tackling, clawing, and biting her with all your power. She turns wolf form too and you start battling to the death. You hear the burst open, you see the flashing colors of a purple and red hoodie at the doorway before Rosette covers your view. "What the fuck?" "Y/N stop! You know Edd wouldn't like this!" "Oh so you have three fucking dads? Nice to know you live with some gay shits." You hear a gun cock and then a shout from Matt "TORD STOP YOU COULD HIT Y/N!" Time basically freezes as you hear the trigger get pulled, you shove Rosette out of the way and knock Tord down, making the bullet shoot into the sky. "Wait.. Y/N.. you saved me..?" "I'm not a heartless asshole, Rosette." You feel Rosette's soft, furry paw leg things wrap around you. It seemed like a hug but wolf stubby leg version. You look over as Edd and Tom walk out the door and Tord drop the gun. "Yes go ahead Tord! Act like you didn't almost shoot and kill a teenager or two." As soon as you say that Edd and Tom look over to Tord who just smiles. "You almost shot my daughter and some random kid?" "I was trying to protect Y/N from this bastard!" "Shut the fuck up Tord if anything your pervert ass is the bastard." You change back into human with ears and tail (I'm gonna call it hybrid form or something thing like that now)  Rosette changes into hybrid form as well. You slap Tord as you grab Rosette's hand and walk in the house, Daniel and Tanya wave at you and you smile "You can come to guys" They follow behind you to your room, well basically your room you share with them but whatever. You plop down on the ground and shut the door, you see Daniel and Tanya with wide eyes staring at you and Rosette. "Whats wro- oh.. right I was gonna keep this a secret from them.." Rosette laughs and elbows you. "Nice fail there shortie" right after she finishes her sentence she rubs your head which makes you blush. "Sooo basically you know those werewolf stories? Well it's like that but different, so don't walk around the house calling me a werewolf, and dont tell anyone else ok?" "Ok sissy!" "Why's that one not talking?" Rosette says then points to Tanya. "I would be offended if you asked that to me if I was her but you haven't really met her so I don't blame you, she's mute, sometimes little squeaks and laughs make its way through but other then that it's just no noise." Tanya nods then Daniel looks over to Tanya. "Hey wanna go play hide and seek?" Tanya nods as the white dress girl and overalls boy walks out of the room. You then see Tanya run in the room and gently shut the door, you turn from talking to Rosette as Tanya jump and hides in the hoodie you put on a few minutes ago. She was hiding right near you smol little breasts and squishing them, it kinda hurt but you ignored it. "Yeah nice hiding spot Tanya." You whisper to her as she look up at you and smiles. "Is this like an everyday thing, all this weird stuff?" "Yeah but mostly with my 'Dads' So basically four man children." She laughs as Daniel walks in the room. "Did Tanya come in here?" "Pft I'm not ratting her out." "I see you Tanya!" Daniel puts his hands down your shirt and pulls Tanya out. "How did you know she was there?" "Pft come on Y/N, everyone knows how flat you are!"
(Literally your face rn)

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