I smile and pushed myself closer to him. "That's a good thing then because I'm feeling week all of a sudden."

He frowns again and its like he's confused. Can't he detect my flirting? Has no one ever flirted with him. His head drop down and I think his lips twitch up. He walks around me, "Please leave."

"Just tell me your name?" I ask my voice almost coming out as a whine.

"Banner." He answers his back turned to me.

"Banner?" I asks and I dig through my head wondering why the name sounds so familiar.

He turned to me and nodded. "Banner. Now, leave?"

"Fine." I smiled. "See you around, Banner." I walked out and just before I could step in fully into the hallway, a hand clasped over my arm. I turned around to see Banner's narrowed eyes at me.

"Tell anyone about what you saw and--"

"I didn't see anything." I insisted, cutting him off. I smiled. "No need to threaten me."

He quickly freed my arm as if just realizing he was holding me. "I wasn't going to threaten you."

"You weren't?" I smiled. "Good, because I don't think I could've handled it."

He sighed and now I definitely see his lips twitch but I don't dwell on it much especially because he banged the red door at my face and the bell rang.


I couldn't get Banner out of my mind and it was driving me insane – I know that sounds cliché but its also so true. I wanted to see his gorgeous face again and talk to him. He pulled off the deep voice so well, its like nothing I've seen. As I sat on the hot grass of our school field stretching amongst the boys, I couldn't help but try to imagine what his biceps would look like in sleeveless.

"What are you thinking about?" A very familiar voice ask from beside me bringing me back to the scorching heat.


Finn eyed me, "You've been stuck in that one position, your leg stretched out and you have this dreamy look in your eyes. Are you hungry?"

I scoffed, "no, I'm thinking about somebody."


I smiled, I've been aching to tell someone about him since forever but I haven't seen neither Christine nor Jamie since lunch. Finn's also a very good friend, my only guy friend and I tell him almost everything.

Finn Sullivan is one of Aiden Macer's best friends and mine too. I met him through Aiden as I usually hanged out with his friends too and we pretty much bonded. He's handsome in a next door neighbor kind of way and a great listener. After my breakup with Aiden and my detachment from the Populars, he's the only one who's stayed and remained friends with me. According to him, our friendship is too beautiful a thing to pass on especially since we only have one lifetime.

We're really close, so why not tell him?

"I met a guy." I start. He groans.

"Ugh, a guy. Don't tell me, Aiden?"

"No, idiot." I throw dirt at him. "I said I met a guy. A new one."


"Yep and he's so handsome, like literal perfection and I can't stop thinking about him." I say with a smile, then frown. "But I totally bumped the first impression thing."


"Snooping around his computer." I say feeling ashamed. What came over me?

"Ooo, bad Anna, I thought I taught you better."

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