Gay Kids go to Hell

68 3 0

Author: merleblackbird

Genre: Romance

What I liked about this book:

In certain parts of this, Saffy's voice definitely sounded SUPER depressed, and I liked how unreliable he is as a narrator. He's in a tough spot where his mother doesn't support him and he's being forced to go to a camp he doesn't feel like he belongs at. That would be tough for any kid.

What I did NOT like about this book:

Normally I would not review for a user that muted me, but I'd already finished most of the book before they did so I'm writing this anyway because I don't appreciate it when people waste my time.

A lot of this book didn't make sense. The boys are at a camp for people that have attempted suicide, so why is there no therapy? Why are they all just playing games, and why are the counselors completely ignoring Jade, who obviously has serious issues?

The author claims that this story is set in another world, but there is no indication of this, it seems like modern-day America or wherever. So when they call someone 'oriental' or have a character surprised that someone with the last name 'Rothschild' is named Israel, it doesn't make sense. Oh, and the first example is also pretty racist.

The writing was okay for most of it, but in spots was incredibly confusing. The word queer was used to mean 'odd' many times, which I guess is technically correct but since this is a book about a gay kid they probably want to find a different word.

If we really drove home that Saffy is depressed and going to this camp with depressed kids while trying to come to terms with being gay, this would be a really strong book, especially with how homophobic some of the kids at the camp are. As is, it's kind of a confusing mess.

Anyway yeah don't ask for me for another review.


The writing was okay, the story was pretty nonsensical.


3/10. It needs a lot of work. 

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