• Chapter 1 •

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• A •
Present time

As the 25 year old girl lets her exhausted body fall on her bed, the tiredness consumes her body. She exhales and closes her eyes, ready to take a nap after a long day of work.
For a split second, thoughts of her past cross her mind, something that has happened so many times that it doesn't surprise her anymore.
She turns her head and looks to the other side of the bed, where an untouched pillow is, and she wonders... What if?

What if they hadn't been so young and stupid?
What if they hadn't said those words and made those wrong and hurtful choices?
What if they had known how to love eachother the right way?

Thousands of questions like those filled her mind and before the tears could escape her ocean blue eyes, she looks away from the pillow and closes her eyes.
Those blue eyes used to be filled with light, joy and happiness.
But now they were just empty, her smile didn't have the influence to make others smile with her anymore, her voice didn't sound like she only knew the good side of the world, and her heart...
Her heart felt like it had experienced the most beautiful love, a love that brought magical memories at the beginning, but heartbreaking moments in the end.

"Hey, you're home." The blonde opened her still watery eyes to look at the petite brunette who was standing by the bedroom's door.
Aria was Alison's bestfriend since highschool, the brunette knew the couple's history and how much Alison suffered with it. After everything that happend, Alison needed someone by her side, so her and Aria had found the temporary idea of living together somewhere else, which ended up being permanent, but they didn't mind. They were both single at the moment and which girl wouldn't love to live with their bestfriend?

"Yeah, I couldn't stand being in that office anymore. Want to go eat something? I'm not really in a mood to cook."
Aria gave her friend a small smile,
"Sure, I'll grab my purse."
She didn't ask more questions, but she had seen Alison starring at the pillow next to her. She knew why, but she had also learned that Alison would just shrug it off and not let her emotions out. The blonde was done with that, she didn't let anyone see her tears anymore, only sometimes would Aria catch the blonde sobbing in her room during the night. But that was rare now since Alison decided that she was done with crying. In fact she was just done with crying infront of others, because in private she was still a mess.

You can't really blame her, Emily and her were soulmates, completely different but yet so similar to eachother. Both came from complicated families and messed up lives, but managed to find peace and love in eachother's arms.
But love sometimes really isn't enough. Sometimes there are actions that can have such an effect that no amount of love can fix.
Nobody can say that they didn't fight, that they didn't try, because they did. Losing eachother was their biggest fear and deepest regret.
They had saved themselves with their mutual love, but they had reached a point in their lives, where they were eachother's destruction intead of salvation. So they had to go different ways.

But they still wondered, if things had gone differently, if some words hadn't been said, if some promises hadn't been broken, would they still be together? Even after 7 years, they still dreamed of eachother, they still remembered how they felt when they were in a relationship, they still smiled at the memories of their first kiss, but they still cried too.
And maybe if you'd ask them a long time ago why they cried, they'd say "Because we can't be together.", but if you'd ask today, they'd look at you, with those sad souls and empty eyes and whisper in a broken voice, "Because we aren't together."

At the time they decided to break up, they thought it was the best decision, and maybe it was. Maybe they needed to fall apart, grow individually and learn how to love themselves before loving others.
Maybe the break was needed, but none of them had the courage to come back, to try again, to fight just a little longer. Because they knew that if it went wrong again, the wounds they think are healed would open again.
But 7 years have passed and those damn wounds are still bleeding, and they can't stop it. Neither one of them thinks that there is still hope for them to be together.

Not finished...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora