Chapter 4: Mike and Music

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School continued to be reasonably shit for the most part.

They were halfway into the school year almost, when the headteacher dropped a new student off. Really, today? Billie was already having a shit day and here was someone else to fuck it up. Plus it was Math, one of the worst subjects Billie had ever witnessed. He watched this new specimen with wonder, tapping his pen on the table.

The boy had dark brown hair which shagged down almost to his shoulders, prominent cheekbones and a strong jawline. To kick it off, his eyes were probably the bluest eyes Billie had ever seen, and he was wearing a Sex Pistols shirt.

"This is Michael Pritchard, he'll be joining your class." The headteacher said, holding Michael by the shoulders as he seemed to struggle silently. Eventually, the teacher gave him a small push and left.

"Take a seat, Michael." The teacher smiled, before turning back to the board.

Billie watched as everyone turned to look at Michael as he looked around for an empty seat. He seemed to still be silently struggling, and Billie could sense that he was struggling.

Suddenly, he looked over at Billie and seemed to smile a bit, and Billie realized he was wearing a 'Never Mind the Bollocks' Sex Pistols shirt. Michael walked over slowly and Billie panicked, shoving his bag pack from the spare seat to the floor.

When Michael was next to the table, he took a deep breath. "Can I..?" Billie nodded and Michael sat, dropping his bag pack next to him as he got a pen from it.

They were silent as the teacher spoke, and then she set them off on a task to do with dividing. Billie frowned at his work, wrinkling his nose up. Suddenly he heard a large sigh and Michael dropped his pen. "Well, fuck this." He announced, and Billie laughed. "Nice shirt," He said, nodding at Billie's shirt.

"Same to you." Billie laughed and then spoke again. "Michael, isn't it?" He watched Mike wrinkle his nose up in response.

"Call me Mike."

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