Chapter Thirteen: Slamming doors and Palming Brains

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"You work here?" I asked

"I do yeah. Been here for years. How have you been?" She asked smiling

"I've been okay.."

"You asked to talk to a waiter from a night shift?"

"Yeah... um" I breathed in "A fight happened here I don’t know when but what I know is that tables were broken and it was a huge fight."

"Xander and Dane?" She asked

"You know them? Yes yes that’s it"

"I see them around.."


"They fought like crazy. Dane recently signed for a job here."

"Is he here? Can I talk to him?"

"No he's not but I could give you his address as a favour..?"

"Yes please.."

She stood up and disappeared for minutes and came back giving me a piece of paper with the address on it.

"Thank you. Please come to visit.." I smiled, she nodded so I started moving but she grabbed my hand

"I'm sorry i didn't visit after you were released from the hospital, i'll call you later and explain" she said and walked away

Thinking about this... I can't really tell Xander. He'll get pissed like he did when I mentioned Dane the first time.

I rang the bell and waited in front of the door

"Who's there?" A girl answered

"Is Dane here?"

"DANEEEEEEY! Someone wants you at the door!" She yelled

The door opened to show an extremely handsome guy in his 20s... Late 20s maybe?
At first glance, he has Viking-gold hair, hazel eyes, defined Jawline and cheekbones and well-shaped shoulders and arms.

"Chanel?" He said snapping me out of my thoughts "What the hell are you doing here?"

"You're Dane?" I asked surprised

"Oh really? What the fuck? Is that supposed to be some kind of joke?" He said with a harsh tone

"No.. I just-"

"No no. You need to fucking leave right now" he said through gnashing teeth with slits for eyes.


I didn’t get to say anything due to the door slamming into my face..

I walked inside my house and closed the door. I heard sobbing and crying in the living room

"Mom?" I said walking into the living room "Aunt Lorain? What happened? What's wrong?"

Aunt Lorain was sitting on the couch crying into mom's arms.

"It's Irene.." Mom started "She hasn't come back home for weeks.."

"S-she doesn’t even... answer her phone.." Aunt Lorain said between breaths

"She just texted me back days ago.." I said taking a seat beside her and rubbing her back "She's fine.."

"But she hates texting... She always prefers phone calls.." She cried "I feel it in my heart, Chanel. She's my daughter."

"Aunt Lorain, What could possibly happen to her? She's probably fine... She told me her friend is going through some tough time and she's staying with her... She's gonna be back soon" I kept trying to soothe her until she stopped crying

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