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Here goes some Sizzy.

Since becoming a vampire Simon had many changes to adjust to. The biggest one being drinking blood. Of course, there were many other struggles when you were a vampire. Even becoming a daylighter hadn't solved many of Simon's problems.

Jace would constantly harass Simon about being a vampire. He acted like Simon owed him something because it was Jace's blood that turned Simon into a daylighter.

Clary always felt bad for Simon, because she felt like it was her fault that Simon was a vampire. Simon loved his best friend, but wished she'd stop apologizing.

But one person still treated him like a person.

Isabelle Lightwood. Simon had liked her even before him and Maia had started dating. And since Maia had left him for some other werewolf jerk, Simon hadn't been able to get Izzy off his mind.

Her dark hair, her beautiful lips. She was an amazing shadowhunter. Simon shook his head. He had been walking down the street, and in his daydreaming had wondered into a dark ally.

Something snapped to Simon's right. He glanced that way, but there was nothing there. Simon turned around to go back the way he came, but a hand grabbed him from behind.

"Ahhh!" Simon yelled. He turned to face his attacker to see it was a demon. He had no idea what kind of demon it was, but it looked kind of like a zombie. His attacker clawed at his face, and Simon used his vampire strength to push off the "zombie". Simon prepared for a fight, only to hear a whip cracking to his left.

There was Isabelle! She had a devilish smile painted on her face. She strutted towards the demon.

"Sorry buddy, but this one's mine." She said to the demon. With a flick of her wrist she slashed the demon. It howled in pain and began to melt.

Another downside of being a vampire: Heightened senses. Simon smelled the demon melting. He gagged and coughed. Izzy cleaned her whip, she didn't seem affected by the smell.

"Simon what are you doing out here?" She asked looking at Simon.

"Well, I uh... Didn't really mean to stumble down this way." Simon stuttered. "I was daydreaming"

"A vampire, daydreaming? I've seen it all." Izzy laughed softly. Woah Simon thought. She has a beautiful laugh. Shyly Simon smiled. Izzy suddenly looked more serious.

"Well come along, I can't just leave you here or surely you'll get yourself into more trouble." She began walking away. She looked at Simon over her shoulder. "Plus, it's Friday. It's a crime to drink alone." She winked. Simon blinked and began walking after Izzy.

10 minutes later Simon was seated in a bar with Isabelle. They both had drinks. Simon's was blood though, he couldn't consume human drinks. Simon noted that Izzy looked amazing. She had on a gorgeous black dress, and her hair was down in waves at her shoulders. Izzy looked at Simon smugly.

"How about some pool? If I win you tell me what you were daydreaming about. If you win, I'll tell you something funny about Jace.

Simon gulped. He didn't want Izzy to know he had been daydreaming about her. But, he really wanted to find anything to tease Jace about. Simon smiled.

"You're on."

15 minutes later....

Simon noticed very quickly that Isabelle was a skilled pool player. He had 5 balls left on the table. Izzy however, was taking her shot at the 8-ball. It went smoothly into the corner pocket.

Simon mentally panicked. He was going to have to tell Izzy about his daydreaming.

Isabelle looked up at Simon.

"Looks like I win." She said flashing him a smile.

"Sure does, haha." Simon said nervously. Izzy looked expectantly at Simon.

"I believe you promised to tell me something..." She said, a smirk playing on her lips.

"You!" Simon blurted. Isabelle blinked, taken slightly aback.

"I was daydreaming about you, Izzy. I-i've liked you for awhile, b-but I didn't know how to bring it up." Simon continued on. Isabelle looked at Simon, returning to her usual facial expression.

"Well, it's a good thing we're on our first date then." She said. It was Simon's turn to be shocked.

"W-wha?" He sputtered. Isabelle smiled and kissed Simon's cheek, causing him to blush and look more surprised.

"Another game?" She asked sweetly. Simon looked at Izzy. A large smile grew on his face.

"Yeah, sounds great."

Simon had never been more glad to be saved before.

The end! Next will be MALEC!!!!!

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