Chapter 1: KNIVES

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A/n:Just thought that I should add in some background knowledge for those who aren't familiar with the fandom.

A/n:Just thought that I should add in some background knowledge for those who aren't familiar with the fandom

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A/n: After the whole Bruce disappearing fiasco, everyone made up and is now living in the manor. Enjoy the story!

"But Father I already have sufficient knowledge to obtain a degree, I have no need for high school!" 

"This isn't about you getting an education this is about socializing. How do you expect to ever fit into society if you won't talk to anyone your age." 

"I don't need to talk to anyone 'my age', besides I highly doubt that they could even keep up in a conversation with me and-" 

"You're going to school Damian end of discussion and I don't want you patrolling this week either. It's your first week of school and I want you focused." 

You turned around to stomp out of the bat cave "أبله(imbecile)" you muttered in Arabic 

"What was that?" 


You angrily made your way up to your room and ran into Jason "Watch it Todd!" you glared 

"You watch it Demon" 

You slammed the door to your room shut and went to pull out the box of knives that was under the bed. This was a normal day for you; get in an argument with father, yell at one of your brothers, throw knives at the wall to blow off some steam, and then Grayson would come in your room to calm you down. All of your brothers were insufferable but Grayson was a bit more tolerable than the rest. Speak of the devil, you hear a knock at your door. He was learning, the last time he came in to check on you while you had your knives out and he didn't knock he almost lost an eye. 

"Dami? Can I come in?" 

"Tt. I told you not to call me that. What do you want Grayson." 

He opened the door, came in, sat on your bed, and watched you continue to throw knives at the wall. 

"I just came to see if you were ok." 

"I'm. Fine." you said as you threw another knife at the wall. 

"You're going to go to the same high school that I went to. I had fun, you might like it." 

"Well I'm not you." 

"No... you most certainly are not. ...You never know though, you might make some friends" 

"I don't need friends... are you done yet" 

"Yeah... (sigh)... I'll go. Goodnight Dami, don't forget to set your alarm for school tomorrow. Jason has plans for if you don't wake up on your own. Things'll get better I promise." 

With that he smiled and left your room shutting the door behind him. You put away the knives and layed down in bed. Staring at the ceiling you closed your eyes and quietly whispered in Arabic so that no one else could hear or understand, 

"شكرا غرايسون(Thanks Grayson)"

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