Chapter 4: Cuts and Bruises

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"Master Damian have you been working with vinegar?" Alfred said while holding his nose. 

You had just got home and realized you should probably take a shower and change. You decided that you would train first. You started to your room and then realized that it would be wise to warn Alfred that Y/n was coming over. You didn't want anyone to be caught by surprise and let the 'family secret' slip. 

"Pennyworth, expect a visitor in about 2 hours." 

"Might I ask who Master Damian?" 

"A peer. I am required to complete some assignments with her." 

"I presume you are good friends" 

"No. Just a peer. Please inform me when she arrives I am going to be training for the next hour."

 You changed into your training outfit and headed down to the cave. To your dismay, Grayson was already there using the training simulator. 

Twirling his escrima sticks he disabled 2 of the training robots. A third one came up behind him and swung at him. Acting on pure instinct, sensing something behind him, without looking he ducked down as the robot swung at his head sticking out his foot knocking the robot down and disabling it. 

Immediately after he did a handspring launching himself into the air kicking the final robot in the face and using the momentum to launch off into a perfect back flip landing doing the splits. Holding that position he flipped his hair and looked over his shoulder. 

"Oh hey Damian. I didn't see you there." He smirked 

"Stop showing off Grayson and move out of my way. I'm training for the next hour." 

He stood up and then cartwheeled over to you with a huge grin on his face. 'Ugh. Acrobats.' 

"Why are you in such a hurry Dami you trying to train before that girl gets here?" 

He looked at you with a shit eating grin. 

"Alfred told me." 

"Tt. Figures." 

You grabbed your katanas and went to start the simulation. 

"Do you want to spar with me?" 

"..." you didn't answer

You hated sparring with the others because you rarely won. If it was a real battle you could kill them in an instant but ever since you decided to honor father's no killing rule your fighting was inhibited immensely. Because you had been trained to kill, you found it hard to fight without severely injuring someone. Father had suggested it might be better if you started learning a whole new fighting style that was a little less lethal. You were constantly stopping and battling your instincts that told you to maim and kill whoever crossed your path. It was like after writing with your right hand for your whole life, you were suddenly being forced to use your left. (This was just an analogy you thought of. You were actually ambidextrous.)The others however could easily disarm and knock down their opponent without harming them. 

"I mean it's fine if you don't Damian I understand. I can be quite intimidating." 

"Please, as if you could intimidate me. I was trained from birth to kill, where as you were trained to be a clown. I don't need to be trained by some circus freak." 

After you said that you immediately regretted it seeing the hurt in his eyes. You knew how Dick felt about being called a circus freak, but you weren't about to apologize. 

"You forget, I was also trained by Batman and every time you and I have fought I kicked your ass." 

"Fine but you asked for it." 

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