"I see that," he said as he reached inside the pocket of his jeans for his wallet. He threw a few bills down for the wine before handing Melanie his spare keycard. "I'm done at seven tonight. If you're in my suite then dinner's on me. If not, I'll understand, princess." He stood to kiss her forehead and closed his eyes, breathing in her scent. "I've gotta go."

Before Melanie could open her mouth to speak, Christopher was taking off with whatever words she had wanted to say. She exchanged a look of surprise with Vero and cocked her head, unable to grasp what had just happened.

"That dickhead," Vero muttered to herself. "It's like he's on the run from the law or something. So, what are you?"

Melanie pressed her lips together, unsure of how to respond.

"I mean who are you?"

"Just an acquaintance," Melanie told the woman. "You must be his co-star."

"Lead actress," she corrected Melanie. She held a hand out to her and smiled. "I'm Veronica, but Vero works just fine for me. I'm sorry about that hooker comment. Christopher is just an ass and makes it difficult to think straight. My manager warned me about him, but this is my first major role, so I had no idea what I was getting myself into."

"Understandable, and you can call me Mel," Melanie said, shaking her hand. "It was really nice meeting you, but I've gotta get back to work now."

"Of course," Vero said, stepping aside to allow her to pass. "Maybe next time we'll have a more pleasant run-in."

Having the keycard in her possession was a heavy burden

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Having the keycard in her possession was a heavy burden.

Melanie had been staring at it for the past four hours, contemplating whether it was worth making the drive back to Christopher's suite. Maybe he was right. If she had only wanted one night with him then she would have sent him off without a second thought. Or maybe he was wrong about her desires and only convinced her she wanted him by being the persistent man he was. But she couldn't make that judgment. She didn't truly know him. All she knew was that Christopher Coleman wasn't a one night kind of guy, as he had put it.

She had to make a decision before she left the office at least.

"Nora, I need more toner in my printer. Nora, I wanted a blueberry muffin, not a bagel. Nora, why is my coffee so sweet?"

Melanie looked up at her door and raised a dark brow at Nora. Her tawny beige skin was coated with a thin layer of sweat, indicating that she had been running around since she'd clocked in. "Beaumont again?"

Nora nodded her head and fell into the chair across from Melanie's behind the mahogany desk. "I need a drink."

"Oh, no, you don't," Melanie said, shaking her head to dismiss her words. "You got way too drunk last night, and Teddy Bear had to take care of you."

"Because you decided to flirt with that pretty boy instead. Who was he, by the way?"

"No one important," Melanie said, looking down at the keycard again. She tucked it into the pocket of her blazer and cleared her throat. She had met Nora only a month ago when Gregory introduced them. Because they were the only two to work so closely with him, he often had them collaborate, despite Nora's job title as his assistant. "I can't go to the bar because I have plans tonight."

Melanie sighed to herself. She had made a decision after all.

"Teddy Bear is going to be disappointed." Nora clicked her tongue in dismay and leaned back against the chair. "So, what kind of plans?"

"It's a meeting."

"A meeting, huh?"

Melanie nodded.

"It can't possibly be a work meeting," Nora said, faking the amusement in her voice. "Gregory always has me accompany you on these work meetings."

"Look, Nora. I can't really talk about this right now." Melanie picked up the phone on her desk and waved her away. "I've got lots of work."

Nora's mouth fell open. "Wow, Melanie Rivera is dismissing me? Well, if you want me gone then I'm gone. By the way, don't forget to actually leave your office on time tonight. You've been working too much."

Melanie looked at the time on her computer and slammed the phone down. She grabbed her purse and quickly made her way to the door, tucking a hand into her pocket to feel the keycard against her skin. "Then I'm out of here. Don't drink too much tonight, Nora, and lock up for me."

With those words, she left her office and made her way down the building to her car in the parking garage. She would be seeing Christopher again, and she didn't mind that her one night stand had extended to two nights in a row.

Starting up her small black Corolla, she took out the keycard to examine it again. She waited a long, agonizing minute to see if she would try to talk herself out of meeting with him, but when her mind filled with only thoughts of being tangled in his sheets, she knew she was making the right decision.

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