Chapter 7: Is This It?

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 *Jughead's POV *

As I walk into the Whyte Wyrm, I felt a shiver go down my spine like in the movies when they walk into a haunted room. I haven't been in here in like 2 months sense Veronica's dad, Hiram Lodge, brought the Wyrm like he did with Pop's and Southside High. But lucky for us. we got Pops back because of Veronica. We were quite lucky.

I shouted, "Hello?" And as I was looking to my right, I find the girl I was looking for; Betty Cooper. 

"Jug!" She cried with tears running down her cheeks.

"Betty!" I yelled as we embraced each other lovingly.

"You need to get out of here, you shouldn't be here," Betty stammered. When she said that, I was wondering why she was so scared or nervous about me.

"No, you shouldn't be here!" I blurted, wondering where Penny was and how to get Betty out of here. I felt so bad for her, she should have this happening to her. She doesn't deserve this at all.

"She will find you and hurt you!" Betty sobbed, I was flattered that she was worried about me more than herself but she shouldn't get hurt more I wouldn't allow that to happen to her. 

* Betty's POV * 

When Jughead came in through the door, I knew something bad was just around the corner. Although, I was happy he was here to get me out, but I didn't want him to get hurt I like did. I was worried that Penny was going to come back to the Whyte Wyrm.

 "Jug..." I said, feeling hot tears coming down on my cheeks.

"Betty," his sweet voice said, trying to calm me.

"You need to get out of here, you shouldn't be here," I stammered. I was so worried that he would get hurt if he was here.

"No, you shouldn't be here," Jughead blurted. He is always protective of me, but I needed to protect him this time.

"She will find you and hurt you!" I sobbed as he held me. I knew if Penny found him here trying to help me, she would hurt him. "I can't let you get hurt again..."

"I know, but its better than you getting hurt." He argued. Why did he have to be so protective of me? I just want him to be safe for once. 

Then, suddenly I heard footsteps coming and we both knew who it was. My heart sank as they came closer to us. I didn't know what was going to happened, but I was hoping that maybe it wasn't Penny and that Jughead brought backup. But that's when I saw...

"Penny..." Jughead growled at the presence of her.

There she was, wearing her Serpents jacket as the light of the moon hit her back. The shadowing of her face made her more scary than she already was.

"Jughead! Welcome to the party!" Penny teased with glee in her voice. She told me she was going to be back soon, but I didn't know she meant so soon. 

"I'm here now, so let her go." Jughead shouted, his hands curled up into a fist. I knew that Penny wanted Jughead, but how did he know that? The blood loss was getting to my head, and that worried me. I couldn't tell if this was some nightmare or not.

"Leave him alone and don't hurt him!" I yelled.

She laughed. Her laugh was always a sick laugh. "But, that wouldn't be fun...Would it Betty?" Penny suddenly became serious.

"Get him." Penny shouted as 2 guys came out and grabbed Jug. One of the guys looked like someone who kidnapped me for Penny.

"Wait, what?!" he yelled, as he kicked his legs viciously. "Betty! Betty!" He called out my name until I couldn't hear him anymore.

"Jug!" I screamed. Then I seemed to black out. I wasn't sure if it was from blunt force trauma, the blood loss or the anxiety. But, everything was a huge blur.


"Betty, are you okay?" Jug mumbled as he shook me awake.

"Not really..." I told him truthfully. I really didn't want to lie, because by now, I think he knows when I lie. "Are you okay though?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He lied through his teeth. He normally never lies, but I guess he did it to comfort me since we're both in this mess. He sounded distraught.

"Jug, how-how are we going to get out of here?" I stuttered. The anxiety seemed to be talking.

He seemed to be looking around. "Don't worry, I have a plan." Jughead answered. 

"Okay..." I said. I felt dizzy and a little sick like a was going to throw up or faint. It was also getting hard to breathe, like there was only a little bit of air left for me. It's hard to describe...But is this what death feels like?

"Betty!" I heard Jughead shout across the room, but that was the last thing I heard. I didn't even get to see him. The sweet and sickeningly hands of death seemed to be wrapped around me. Even if it wasn't death, it was close. I wanted Jughead's hands to be wrapped around me instead. I wanted to hang out with Veronica, Archie, Jughead and Kevin. I wanted to see Hot Dog. I wanted to see my Mom.

I wanted anything but this.

I just want to go home...

But I think I won't ever get there...

A/N:  Hello you guys. Sorry for the long wait, I know I said that last time, but I think I might have had writers block. But I think I'm good now. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Look forward to the next one.

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