Katsuki turned around as best as he could and looked at his fiancé. "This is so good."

Shoto and Katsuki were in Shoto's apartment, sitting on the couch. Well, Shoto was sitting on the couch, Katsuki was sitting on his lap. Eating pasta.

"Oh, c'mon. It can't be that good. It's just pasta."

"Well, it's fucking delicious. How'd you make this?"

"I dunno. I stole the recipe from Izuku's recipe book. If you wanna thank anyone, thank him."

"Like hell I will. You made this beautiful, delicious plate of pasta so I'm gonna thank you."

"Oh, yeah? How you gonna do that?"

"I'll show you. Later." He smirked and took another bite of the pasta.

Let's just say, Katsuki did show Shoto.

* * *

Katsuki sat on one end of the room. Shoto sat on the other.

It was so hard to not just tell everyone they were engaged when all they wanted to do was make out.

They thought it would be best to just ignore each other until Izuku got better. They were wrong. That just made them wanna tell everyone more.

At one point, Katsuki couldn't wait anymore.

He was the last one in the classroom before the teacher. He clapped his hands a couple times to get everyone's attention. Shoto didn't even know what he was about to do.

"Attention! Everyone! Stop talking and put attention to me! I'm talking to you, shit face!"

Everyone shut up.

"I have an announcement! I'm fucking engaged to Icy-Hot." He put his hand out to show everyone the ring.

Eijiro started cheering like a best friend would. He really was happy for his friend. Even if it meant he didn't have a chance with him anymore.

"When, where and how'd it happen?!" Denki asked. Loudly. Very loudly.

"Like one or two weeks ago. In Deku's backyard. And he just proposed. Like any other gay boyfriend would."

"Hold the fuck up!" Izuku stood up.

Everyone shut up, not expecting Izuku to curse.

"You're telling me that my brother-in-law proposed to you, in my backyard, and you didn't tell me?" He gasped dramatically.

He walked over to Katsuki and looked at his ring. He looked in straight in the eyes. "Mine's prettier."

"Stop lying! Lemme see!" Katsuki grabbed Izuku's hand and compared the two rings.

"I think they're both pretty." Hitoshi said, looking at both of them. "They're both unique in their own way. Plus, Daiki and Shoto both come from the Todoroki family. So, they're both really nice."

The teacher walked in. Everyone scurried off to their seats. "I can hear you all from down the hall."

* * *

"Hey, Spiky Hair!" Katsuki stopped him from going anywhere else.

"Yeah?" He turned to look at him and smiled.

"I wan-Can yo-Be m-Why the fuck is this so hard? Whoever. The wedding isn't gonna be until after school starts but, canyoubemybestman?"

"Sorry, can you say that slower?"

"I said, canyoubemybestman?"

"A lil slower?"

"Can you be my best man?" He groaned.

"Really? You want me? I thought you'd want Izuku? Considering you've known him the longest?"

"I was gonna but Shoto claimed him."

"I thought Shoto was gonna ask Dabi?"

"He said he wants him to walk him down the aisle since his dad probably won't allow it."

"I thought the bride gets walked down the aisle?"

"Fuck it! This is gonna be a very, very, very, very gay wedding! We don't care about who walks who or whatever!"

"Then who's gonna walk you?"

"Re-Whatever! Can you just answer? Will you be my best man or not?"

"Yeah, of course!" He smiled.

"Thank you!" Katsuki was about to walk away.

"I'm really happy for you, Kacchan." He snickered and ran off before Katsuki could kill him.

"You little... I'm gonna kill you Shitty Hair!"

"You can't do that! I'm your best man!" He yelled as he ran off.

They truly had a really crazy family.

* * *


word count: 1111, without this a/n


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