Sachet (Medic x Filipino! R)

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Guess who came back bois haha

" will all be sent to another location,specifically in Asia, by tomorrow morning so be sure to pack everything you need, and to be ready by tomorrow morning, 8:00 sharp. I will be waiting for you at the airport, Got that?"

The voice of Miss Pauling was heard from the entire building of the (BLU/RED) base, bouncing off from its thin walls and creaked floorings to the ears of the nine mercenaries sitting in the rec room.

Replies varying from mumbles to 'yeah's came out from their mouths, and hearing this, she clicked off.

Everyone was pretty stoic about it since they almost always travel after a week or two of battling it out with the opposing team.

So one by one, the men left the room to prepare their stuff in time for tomorrow's flight.

Travelling was one of Medic's least favorite things to do. As a man of medicine, he is required to handle check ups for his teammates to see if they are healthy enought to ride the plane, write new medical information in his files, and to bring all the things he will be needing, including all the equipment and medicines in his clinic.

The Medic sighs in exasperation as he mentally prepares himself for a long day.


"Yo Medic, wake up"

Scout shook the slouched form of the sleeping doctor that was leaning on his desk.

"Ach...w-what time is it?"

Medic checked his wristwatch that indicated '7:20am'

He jumped from his seat in panic and frantically ran to different places in his clinic, placing some items in a suitcase that was already prepared from the night before.

"Oh Scheiße, I overslept!"

He said, in an alarming manner.

Scout, who was there to witness the doctor's panicked state, simply left the room.


As Sniper turned the key knob, everyone immediately poured out of the old but working van. It was already 8:10am when they got there and some, including Medic, got a tad irritated for their late arrival. Miss Pauling waved her hand from a distance, catching the mercenaries attention as they all walked in a group going to her.

"What took you guys so long? Didn't I say to get here 8am sharp?"

Miss Pauling said, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Well, SOMEBODY was enjoying their sleep a little bit too much."

Scout emphasized as everyone else looked at Medic.

Medic noticed everyone looking at him and scoffed. It wasn't his fault that he does a lot of work.

"Nevermind that, all that matters is that you're all here. So, here are all your tickets. Your flight is going to take off in about an hour from now. Do whatever it is that you wish to do before then."

From that, everyone went on their separate ways. Medic, who was still agitated from the events that had just occured, decided that a nice cup of coffee may ease his tired mind.

He was walking mindlessly along the path where the stores are placed, looking into each one but there's no coffee to be found everytime. At one point, he accidentally bumped into someone which caused them to fall rear first on the floor.

"Ay shet..."

The figure mumbled, but loud enough for Medic to hear.

"E-est tut mir leid, my apologies Fraulein! I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking..."

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