Werewolf! Sniper x Reader (Part 1)

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AFTER ALL THESE MONTHS IM FINALLY GOING TO UPLOAD SOMETHING, ISNT THAT GR8?? Anyway, i suck at making stories so dont expect something amazing :P

"Just 25 minutes before it comes out, i think. Is that how it works?" You checked your watch as its hands point at '11:35' (or 23:35 for other people). And Yes, for some reason, you were out and about in the, almost, middle of the night. Why? One might ask. Well let me tell you a short story on why you were even there.

See, You are a park ranger; the job where you preserve and protect all types of natural areas like forests and parks, yeah. Now your boss, Mr.(insert shitty last name here), told you that there was an incident in Mountain Lab where a werewolf decided to go out and about to give everyone residing there a bad day. Many reports said that the creature killed 2 people. And guess what? The old man wanted me to go there, investigate, and protect alone. I guess he wants me dead but whatever, you got the stuff you need to survive, probably you'd survive for 30 minutes. But hey, if you were lucky, you might even survive for one hour and 30 mins.

You held your shotgun (did i tell you that you have a gun. No? Well now you do) close to you and rechecked the time '11:40'. Damn, cant time be any faster than this? You really just wanna go back to your apartment and sleep in your bed and- "wait, what is that sound?" You thought. You fixed your eyes to where you heard the unusual sounds. You heard rustling all around. "H-hey, if this is some sort of prank. Its not funny!" You pointed your shotgun as your eyes darted in every direction and your heart beating faster than usual. "Hehe, alroight sheila. Ya got me" A voice of a man said. "C-come out of there. O-or i'll have to shoot you" wow. Best. Threat. Ever. And the mysterious man seems to agree. "Really sheila? Is that really your threat? But if you say so, your wish is my command..." you heard a loud howl which you believe came from him, or if it is a 'him'. You felt a furry hand hold your shoulder tightly, and that action made you frozen as a statue. Many thoughts flashed in your brain of the possiblity of dying that you didnt notice that the man already unarmed you. You felt him staring into your soul and scan your face. And man, were you scared as f*ck.


'The sheila's a beaut, aint she?'

After seconds of extreme tension, he started chuckling silently to himself, and he removed his hand from your shoulder. So you took a peek to prove your assumptions, which was a really an unwise choice.

Before you even get to see anything, you were already tackled to the ground. Making you close your eyes again, expecting death, but it never came.

You once again took a peek, just to see the werewolf that your boss talked about, eyeing you from head to toe.

"A-arent you going to kill me?"

The creature stopped and looked at you as if you were his next meal
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Jk.

"... i'll tell ya what, sheila. Lets make a deal, i wont kill ya. But in exchange, i want ta tell me all about yourself and i want ta visita ya every night. Deal?"


You gulped nervously. You really dont want to give any information about you to a stranger, let alone a werwolf. And to expect it visiting you every night just to know you. But all of that just to be alive.

"... ok deal."

"Good choice sheila"

You both took a glimpse at the sky just to see the sun rising.

"Oi'll see ya later sheila"

And then it ran off. Hmm, strange.

-time skip brought to you by all the mentlegen-

After your encounter with the werewolf, you suddenly felt fatigue. But what it said kept replaying in your head.

'Oi'll see ya later sheila'

Just remembering it stresses you out, so you decided to just buy coffee from the nearest cafe to relax a bit and come back.

-in the coffee shop-

The smell of coffee and pastries wafted through the air which made you inhale deeply in content. When it was your turn, you ordered a (F/d) and (F/p), then chose a seat near the window pane. You enjoyed your breakfast and the scenery shown outside, that you didnt notice a man standing just right outside the cafe giving you a questioning look.

The man waved a hand infront of your face which made you snap back to reality.

You blushed tomato red and mouthed the man a quick 'sorry'. He just waved his hand indicating that it was alright. You watched the man as he walked from the entrance of the door to the counter and ordered a cup of coffee. He took his order and walked towards you.

"Might i have a seat, sheila?"

"Oh uh sure, go ahead"


He sat down on the seat across of you. And for a minute there, his aussie accent reminded you of a certain creature that you talked to last night, but you shook it off as just an illusion of lacking sleep.

"Sheila, Why were ya staring at me awhile ago outside?"

"Oh haha sorry. Im just a little tired, thats all. I really didnt get that much sleep."

"So ya not from here?"

"Yeah. Actually, i was just assigned here by my boss."

"Assigned for wot?"

"He said that there was a werewolf that has been disturbing people during the night. So he told me to take charge and probably control it, it's my job anyway. Actually, i did see it last night."

"Oh, oi see. By the way, my name is Mundy."

He brought out a hand.


Man I suck. But i might make a part 2 and 3 since this only looks like an intro to the actual story cuz i suck at making juanshots but ok next up: Soldier x reader fluff
Hopefully i could make this one :') and tell me if you like this one so i would be boosted into making another one jk do whatever u want.

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