Adieu (Spy x Reader)

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Eyy! So this wasnt requested by anyone, this was just a filler made by yours truly, to make up for all the times i didnt write. So here ya go! Translations are at the end of the story and i suck at making stories xD

You were the most beautiful woman Spy had ever laid his eyes on. Everything about you just made his heart flutter and his day brighter.

Spy didnt treat you like those women whom he just slept with. No, you were special to him. Every single day, he would give hints of his interest for you by giving gifts containing items he knew you liked, he took you out to picnics, and he gave you a beautiful bouquet of roses with notes filled with poems and love letters.

You, on the other half, appreciated his efforts. Which made him believe that by continueing his flirtatious maneuvers on you, he would make you fall for him the same way he did for you.

All that just to find out, one day, you already have fallen for someone else. Spy  was heartbroken, confused, jealous, furious. And the worst part is, you fell for the filthy jar man.

He tried to shrug it off, thinking it was just for the time being that he would feel that way. Yet seeing you and Sniper holding hands, laughing, and just basically spend time together, made him even more depressed. Every night he would lock himself in his room and just waste away to clear his mind off of these things. But it seems that the more he drank, the more he thought about you.

'...what did i do wrong?'

This is what Spy asked himself over and over, placing one of his palms at his forehead as he held another bottle of wine tightly against his other palm.

It was all the bushman's fault. And he forced himself to think that 'that' was the reason why he was feeling this way. But in all honesty, he blamed himself.

He blamed himself for letting the bushman waste away all the efforts he did for you.

He blamed himself for loving every inch of your being.

He blamed himself for being so ignorant- he saw how you were happy with the bushman and that you didnt need him to feel loved.

Spy chuckled to himself, and later on turned into loud laughter.


The sounds of the wine bottles being thrown directly at the smooth, but hard surface of the floor.

Spy walked over to his bedside drawer and looked hastily for something that he was sure could stop his suffering.

He then felt his hand hold on to a cold, metallic object. Hauling the said item out and admiring it before pointing it directly below his chin.

He was remembering all the good times he had with you; when you had a common dislike for Scout, when you ate lunch together near the lake, and many more.

And of course, he was recalling all those times when he had an arguement with you, or when he did something that might have insulted you in any way.

" J'espère que tu es heureux tout de suite. Adieu, (Y/N)"

He whispered. And mindlessly, his index finger made its way to the trigger and-


His felt body went limp as he fell with a loud 'thud', observing his own blood that was starting to spread on the floor like spilt juice before his vision went black.

French Translation:
J'espère que tu es heureux tout de suite. Adieu- I hope you are happy right now. Goodbye

Hope i got that correctly, i just combine words and hopefully they would make sense xD. All my stories in a nutshell

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