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I awoke, but wanted to go back to sleep. Trevor’s breathing was even and deep, a lullaby to my ears. His wings fluttered slightly as he dreamed, the red feathers tickling the back of my neck. Carefully, I extracted myself from his arms and wings, trying not to wake him.

I walked to the door, and carefully opened and closed it. I looked around, but sensed no one in the hall. Walking down the wood stairs, trying to keep quiet, I heard a conversation going on downstairs.

I crouched, and perked my sensitive ears towards the voices. Sara and Laurel, of course.

“She won’t understand our way of life, Mother. She’ll want to divulge our secret.” Sara sounded confident, but the tiniest hint of guilt entered her voice.

“She hasn’t told anyone about Trevor. And besides, you’ve seen the way she looks at us. I have a feeling this is the first place that she feels loved.” Laurel’s voice was calm, but firm, like buffed steel.

“But, Mother, she could-”

“She could. That’s all. But she won’t. Even now, she listens. Come down, Karlee. Let us speak like actual people.”

“Actual people with wings,” I mutter, but I still go downstairs.

Laurel was sitting on one of the couches, while Sara was in the kitchen. I sat next to Laurel, whom I thought would be less likely to hit me. The old woman didn’t look at me, though, as she was arguing with Sara.

“No, Sara. You need to put the butter into an ungreased pan first!” Sara shouted back,”I know how to cook eggs, Mother!” “Apparently you don’t,” Laurel muttered to me. Sara called,”Heard that!” “Supposed to!” Then, Laurel turned to me with a kind smile, and I recalled what she said about this being the first place where I felt loved.

“Have you and Trevor mated yet?” I blinked, confused, then the question sank in. I started to shake my head, but then Sara was next to me, hitting her mother on the arm lightly. “That is no way to say good morning to our guest. Also, it’s very impolite.” Laurel huffed,”And you know what impolite is?” Sara rolled her eyes, then went back to the kitchen before the eggs burned.

“At least you tell the truth, Karlee. Other girls would’ve lied.” I turned toward the sound of Trevor’s voice. He was leaning against the archway, listening to our conversation. I glare at him, and he just smiled at me. Oh, the irritating boy!

Sara called,”Abi! Dad! Breakfast!” “Coming!” came two voices from upstairs. Sara handed me a plate of steaming eggs, and I inhaled the amazing smell. Then, another scent caught my nose: the smell of blood.

I sniffed again, and located the source of the blood. I turned to look at Sara, and sensed a dark spread going across her forearm, underneath her sleeve. I set my plate on the couch by my side, and stood, still staring at the woman. Sara glanced at me, then turned back to handing out steaming plates.

Once she was done, and went back into the kitchen, I followed. She reached for the sink, but I stopped her. “How?” Sara stared at me, and tried to move around me. I stopped her once more, this time grabbing her arm. “You might as well tell me. Or, I’ll enter your mind to find out.” The threat shocked me more than her, but I was dead serious.

Sara sighed, and rolled up her sleeve. The scent of blood was overpowering, but I fought past it. I looked at Sara’s arm, tracing my fingers along the bloody line. I felt Sara wince, but she said nothing. “How?” I asked again, this time softer. Sara, I sensed, was blinking back tears, but she told me.

When she was done, I was horrified. Without thinking, I started tugging up my own sleeve. Sara looked at me, then down at my scarred arm. Her arms immediately wrapped around me, and I buried my head in her shoulder, holding back tears.

Beyond the IrisМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя