My Demons

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The next few months passed in a blur. Tests. Notes. Finals. Etc.

Everyone was excited for winter break to start, but I think I was the most excited out of everyone. Jordan stayed well away from me, but I could feel his glares from across the classrooms. Amanda didn’t seem to care that I stopped coming to our room, when I started spending the nights in Trevor’s room. Trevor was elated by this, but I insisted that I had a space for my books and notes.

At the end of Friday, everyone was watching the clock. Ms. Binny, our history teacher, was as tired as we were, and just as excited for the bell. Amanda and I joked that she just wanted to get out of the classroom so she could have her smoke.

The bell rang, and everyone cheered. Ms. Binny said everyone could go, and not to miss the history test next year. I don’t think anyone heard her. At the door, with Ms. Binny right behind me, I turned to the huge woman.

“You might want to cut back on the nicotine, Ms. Binny. It stinks.” She stepped back a little, which was funny in her high heels. Then, she recomposed herself, and said hauntingly,”I don’t know what you’re talking about, Karlee.” Then, the big woman stalked off, her heels clacking, and I smiled.

I turned, and was faced with my nightmare: three guys and one girl, all snotty rich kids. “Well, well, here’s Smarty.” Jack, the lead guy, stepped forward, his mouth cocked into an arrogant grin. His girlfriend, Emily, snickered, and said,”Do you ever take those glasses off? What are you, a vampire?” I rolled my eyes. Same old jokes. Same old people. Same old escape.

I walked forward, and tried to squeeze between Rufus and Remus, the huge twins. But Jack caught my arm, and pulled me back. “Now, now, Smarty. No running off.” He threw me to the floor, and the impact with the hard tile sent my sunglasses flying. I quickly closed my eyes, afraid of the bullies seeing my pupils.

I was picked up off the ground by my collar, and held in the air. I sensed Rufus was the one who did it, since he had a nasty cut on his left bicep. “Open your eyes. We want to see them while we hurt a freak like you.” Emily’s voice was sharp, and cut like a knife.

I said, in the calmest voice I could manage,”If I do, you’ll regret it.” Laughter all around. My keen ears picked up more than four laughs: more kids had gathered to see me humiliated. Jack poked me in the ribs, then Emily poked me in the other side. My bruises, still there, turned to fire as they were prodded, but I kept my mouth shut against a whimper.

“What, Smarty? Aren’t you going to show us your power?” Jack’s voice was laughing, and close to my ear. His breath wafted towards my nose, and my nasal cavities repelled at the smell. How Emily could kiss that, I would never know. Emily snickered again, and poked me, hard, in the ribs again. Then, I felt Jack start to roll up my right sleeve, and whistle.

“Dang, girl. Where’d you get these?” I felt the sleeve reach my shoulder, then Emily start to roll up the other side. I growled,”None of your business, Jack. Now, put me down.” Jack just laughed. “Touchy, aren’t we? Well, I have a package in store for you, girlie. Want to see it?”

The horrible comment hit too close to home, and my anger and pain were already near full. Against my will, my eyes opened, and I looked straight at Jack.

He yelped, and scrambled backwards, falling to the floor. I looked at Rufus next, and he dropped me out of fright. I looked at Remus next, and he outright fainted. Finally, I looked at Emily, and she gasped, stumbling away from me. Once I was sure they were all out, I walked over to Jack.

I grabbed his chin, and made him look at me. He whimpered, and tried to pull away, but my grip was steel. “Let me show you my power, Jack,” I murmured, then quayed.

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