"Did you guys really?" Bridget asked as Niall rushed forwards and bear hugged her.

"Nope, it was all Liam's idea." Niall replied finally putting her down. Bridget looked at Liam who was smiling. She flung herself into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Sorry that I was distant, I didn't want the secret getting out." Liam mumbled into her neck.

"I've been going stir crazy and you, Louis, had to make me feel like I was going even crazier." Bridget replied standing next to Liam and point at Louis.

"Hey, I was just doing what Liam asked me too."

"You guys really are the best." Bridget said looking at the boys, Perrie, Eleanor, Geoff, Karen, Nicola, and Ruth. "And I just need to get this out. You guys are my family, no matter what anybody says. Boys, you are like my brothers. I've always felt that I can talk to you when I need you. Perrie and Eleanor, we're pretty sisters. I love you guys with all my heart. And then here's Geoff, Karen, and the girls. You guys were the family I wanted, needed and the family I had. You guys all are what a girl that comes from my background needs and I love you all."

"Cheers to that." Harry yelled making everybody laugh. Bridget laughed herself and had her arm around Liam's waist and wiped a tear away. This was her family no matter what anybody told her.


Everybody laughed at the home videos that were made with Bridget and anybody else. But it wasn't until a video of Niall, Bridget, and Sandy came on. But instead of crying sad tears, they were all happy tears. Niall was holding Bridget's hand as Bridget rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb. No Niall doesn't like Bridget like that, she doesn't like him like that. Niall has always been the baby of the group. Even though Harry is the youngest, Niall is the baby in the sense that he isn't as mature as the others but is still mature.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that was recorded." Bridget said as they watched a video of Bridget attempting to jump over a ball but slipping on it.

"I had to." Zayn admitted.

"You're gonna get it, Malik."

"Please don't, I don't want my fiancé to have a broken head." Perrie begged. Everybody laughed again and Bridget couldn't help but laugh herself. She leaned on Liam and felt happier tears come as they continued to the videos.

"I promise that I am never going to be the kind of guy who doesn't want you around." Liam mumbled so only Bridget could hear it.

"How'd you know I thought that?" Bridget mumbled back.

"Louis told me you thought I was being distant and seemed like I didn't want you around. I've never not wanted you around. You're my world and I'm sorry you felt that way. I love you, I do, and I'm glad I'm gonna be able to spend the right of my life with you."

"Me too, I wouldn't want life any other way." Liam pulled Bridget closer to him and refused to let go. He did feel bad that she thought he didn't want her around but it was worth it. She really liked her birthday surprise so he was pleased with himself.

After they group celebrated, everybody disappeared and when their own way. Liam and Bridget went back to their house. As Bridget searched the fridge for something to eat, she felt arms around her and a chin resting on her shoulder.

"Hi." She said feeling Liam kiss her neck.

"Hi." She said back. Liam breathing on her neck caused goosebumps to appear on her neck.

"What are you doing?"

"Hugging you."

"Well, your breath is tickling my neck." Liam smirked and Bridget smiled when she felt his hands resting on her hips. His thumbs rubbed circles in her hips causing her to whimper. Bridget turned around to face Liam and in a fast movement, Liam picked her up and sat her on the counter causing her to squeal. His arms resting beside Bridget's thighs as he looked at her.

"You know how much I love you, right?" Liam asked.

"Of course, I love you too." Liam pulled Bridget closer and pressed his lips to hers. She smiled into the kiss and tangled her fingers in his hair causing him to groan. He pulled her closer pressing their bodies together. "Are we gonna do this here?" Liam smiled and picked her up. She kissed him again as he carried her up the stairs. He kicked open the bedroom door and Bridget felt the bed underneath her as the two fell on the bed causing her to laugh. Liam's kisses trailer down her neck and then back up to her mouth. Bridget fumbled with his belt as Liam pulled his shirt of exposing his attractive body. Bridget smiled and then pulled her shirt over her head only to have Liam kiss her roughly. Her hands dug into his side as he slipped his tongue into her mouth massaging her own. They spent all morning together for Bridget's birthday.


The two were lying in bed snuggled close together. Liam was gently rubbing Bridget's back causing her to smile.

"Is that what it's like?" Bridget asked looking at Liam.

"What do you mean?" Liam asked with a smile.

"Being in love and engaged to someone you've known your entire life. Is this what it feels like?"

"Yep. And it's gonna feel like that forever because I ain't letting you go. You mean everything to me and you're all I could want in life."

"I'm glad I have you and everybody else. You guys make my life so much better."

"I'm glad I could be off assistance to you."


Stress Comes Again (#2)- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now