#49 Rainy Days

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When it rained you two would stay inside and eat frozen pizza and play random board games together. Even though the food was crappy and Cameron must of cheated playing Monopoly over seven times, you wouldn't want to spend the day with anyone else.


You were in Florida with him for a bit and you were outside walking to get ice cream by the beach. All of a sudden it started to sun shower. The sun was out but it was pouring rain. Nash forced you to run on the beach with him. A tropical bird started attacking him and you laughed so hard your stomach forgot about the ice cream.


You were delivering newspapers during the summer to get extra cash. After delivering all of the papers you were walking home. Out of nowhere it started raining and your phone was about to die. You called your boyfriend Hayes and he quickly drove to where you were with a bunch of umbrellas and blankets.


You and him were alone together one night at his house watching a marathon of scary movies. There was a crack of lightning and the power went out. "Oh my goodness. We're going to die." you whispered in fright. "Relax baby, you're just afraid because of all of the movies we watched. As long as I'm here, you'll be safe." Matthew says as he kisses your forehead.


Your rainy days together would consist of lots of cuddling and random music. "Shawn. Go get me popcorn." you say to him while lying in his bed. "You have legs don't you?" he replies sarcastically. "Please." you reply stretching the word. "Fine, but after I come back you're giving me a massage." he yells.


Your rainy days would consist of running around his house and finding random things to do YouTube challenges together. "Carter, do you think this baby food expired?" you ask while holding a jar of green substances that used to be "strawberry" flavoured. "Oh hell naw... I'm not eating that!" he yells while recording you.


You were home alone and you were really afraid of thunder and lightning. You called your boyfriend to come over and luckily he was there in five minutes. You let him in and he sits you on a chair and puts a blindfold on you. "Okay baby, tonight we're going to do something special." he whispers seductively in your ear. You pull of the blindfold. "TA DA! I bought tie dye kits!!" he yells excitedly.

Jack G

"Jack. I'm not going to do it. I didn't even bring a bathing suit." you say to him. "It doesn't matter!" he yells at you. Jack opens his backyard door, runs outside and gracefully jumps into his pool. "Jack! It's pouring outside, you're going to get sick!" you yell from inside. "Then we'll get sick together!" he says. He grabs you from inside and throws you over his shoulder jumping into the pool with you.

Jack J

You slept over the night before and you woke up beside him in his bed with his arm tightly around your waist. "Babe?" you whisper. He makes a weird noise signalling that he's awake. "I'm hungry" you whisper. "Okay. I'll be right back, stay here." he kisses you on the cheek and gets out of bed. Ten minutes later he arrives back with a bunch of pancakes and breakfast sandwiches from McDonalds. "It's raining outside." he announces. His hair is wet and his clothing is soaked making you laugh.


You go out to a fancy dinner with him and on the drive back it starts pouring rain so hard that you can't see the roads. He pulls over. "Sorry babe, I want to get you home but i can't see anything and don't want to risk your safety. "It's okay." you reply while kissing him on the cheek. "Oh, and I brought something," Aaron grabs a backpack from the back seat and pulls out two sets of his hoodies and his sweat pants. "I left these here for after I go to the gym. Don't worry they're clean." he smiles. "You're the best." you say as you hug him tightly.

OMG thanks so much for 115k!! I wrote a "Rainy Days" preference before but I accidentally deleted it. It had half of the guys and it wasn't that good so I hope you enjoy the new and improved version! Please vote and comment!! Love you all!! ❤️❤️ -Juliana

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