Chapter 32: We Weren't Sure What To Think

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(Vixy's POV)

Saturday was the day. Another six days and I'm outta here. For me, too many memories of the car crash. Well, I managed to rid myself of those thoughts when Aaron nuzzled me, making me sigh softly. I know he won't be happy to head back to school without me for another week and honestly, with me missing my first Christmas with Aaron, don't we deserve a do over.

I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Some of my teachers have probably been worried sick about me.

And, I'm also nervous about talking to uncle Nick and Vivian. Speaking of which, they still hadn't visited me. Well, Jasper did tell them I was alive, but they're probably very scared to see this as a joke and me being dead.

Well, can't blame them after I heard how bad their argument was. And by bad I mean, Vivian screamed at the top of her lungs bad.

Dr Barkface came in and smiled.

"Morning Vixy, morning Aaron." she said.

She already knew Aaron and I were a thing before either of us woke up from our wounds.

Aaron had also told me that he will have scars for the rest of his life on his back and to be careful there since he was still pretty sore. I surprisingly enough remembered that he had a bullet wound and asked of he was okay. He said he was, just having a slight limp for a while. And I found out that I got an infection that pulled me into my coma in the first place.

Anyways, back to the story.

Barkface asked Aaron just to sit near me while they gave me a tetanis shot. I'm not a fan of shots, but as long as I don't look at them, I'm good.

However, I was pretty tense, so Aaron told me it helps the shot be less painful if I relax. I sighed and let the shot be given, looking into Aaron's green eyes the whole time, my heart fluttering when he quickly kissed me.

Barkface did a quick checkover on me and smiled. "Well, Vixy. You may end up returning home tomorrow instead of another six days. However, to help your infected side heal, we're gonna give you crutches to walk on. I will let you and your uncle decide that."

I felt pretty happy. I'd be going home! When the doctors left Aaron and me alone, the first thing Aaron did was kiss me softly, one of his paws on my cheek. I smiled softly in the kiss and let my paw rest on his cheek.

He slowly broke away and rested his forehead on my shoulder. "Your heading home, Vix." he whispered, gently rubbing my arm.

I smiled and nuzzled his ear. "I know." she whispered.

(Nick's POV)

Vivian and I walked through the halls of the hospital, me hoping what Jasper said was true. Yet again, Vivian told me Aaron had been in a better mood than before.

We slowly made it to Vixy's room. Vivian looked down while I sighed. "Ready, Fuzz?" I asked.

She didn't respond. Right! Ever since our argument, she preferred to be called JUST Vivian or Viv; she didn't want her kid nickname anymore.

I sighed. "Ready, Viv?" I asked, this time, she nodded.

I slowly opened the door and my fears were instantly gone.

Vixy was awake, talking and smiling with Aaron. I couldn't help but feel relief wash over me. Thank you God, my baby sister's daughter was going to be okay.

Vixy looked up and smiled. "Hi, Uncle Nick, Vivian."

I was so happy, my tail was wagging and tears of joy built up in my eyes.

Thought Vivian looked like a wreck, she was very happy. Her cousin was okay.

Aaron moved away and Vivian and I hugged Vixy carefully and tightly, all of us, crying happily.

After a while, we pulled away and I spoke. "Don't you dare scare me and Viv like that ever again." 

Vixy nodded and hugged me a second time.

(Vivian's POV)

I smiled at Aaron. "So, on a scale from one to ten, how happy are you?" I asked.

He smiled. "Beyond happy and relieved! What about you?" he asked me.

I shrugged. "Bout the same as you."

I looked at him with full seriousness. "You hurt her, even just a little bit, dad and I will rip out your internal organs and feed them to crows."

He had a look of genuine fear, but nodded.

I smiled. "Great."

I turned back to Vixy. "So, when are you free to leave?"

Vixy smiled. "Sometime tomorrow. I will have crutches though to help with my side." she said.

I only smiled and shrugged. "Cool."

After a bit, dad and I went home while Aaron and Vix stayed together.

Before I went upstairs, dad stopped me. "Viv, can we talk?" he asked.

I scoffed. "There's nothing to talk about." I snapped and went in my room. My mind feel like a bunch of mumbo jumbo.

Vixy Wilde {A Zootopia Fanfiction}[COMPLETED]✔️Where stories live. Discover now