Chapter 16: Viv....I Hate You

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(Vixy's POV)

Aaron and I could not stop talking after he had confessed what he had been going through and when I told him how I felt once he told me. It  must've felt good to talk to someone since I know he's reluctant about seeing a therapist.

By the end of the day, he, Viv, and I were waiting for our rides. Aaron's dad was picking him up while Uncle Nick was picking Viv and me up. Suddenly, Vivian told Aaron. "You should ask someone to the dance, Aaron."

Both Aaron and I looked at her before looking away, blushing like mad mammals.

Vivian smirked and put her phone away. "Hey, if you need any help, I've got a suggestion. Vixy's a pretty good-"

I cut her off by jabbing her in her side and snarling.

Aaron had to go and once he had left, I looked at Vivian. "I really, really hate you right now." I muttered.

Vivian tilted her head and groaned. "Come on, Vix! You've liked him since freshman year! He's a goddamn gentleman for Christ's sake! I mean, granted, I may be the only vixen at school who doesn't have a crush on him, but for crying out loud! You two are FUCKING ROMEO AND JULIET WITHOUT THE DYING AND DYING AND DYING!"

I flinched and stared at her. "Vivian.....I'm not sure." I muttered.

Her gaze instantly softened and sighed before hugging me. "Sorry, I just ship you two a lot! And , if he manages to ask you out, take it, okay?"

I sighed. She wasn't giving up, was she? "okay."

Vixy Wilde {A Zootopia Fanfiction}[COMPLETED]✔️Where stories live. Discover now