"Innit?" Harry says while looking at the cave himself. It's been a while since he's been in here last. He found that place when he was younger and he wanted to share that amazing place with a bunch of people, but somehow it never came to it. Either the person had to leave suddenly or an owl attacked them. He thought he wouldn't be able to show Louis either, because as he wanted to show it to him, Nick appeared and pushed the poor omega into the water. Now he just had the feeling to try again. Harry has no idea why it suddenly worked, but he is fine with it.

"So what are the blankets for?" Louis asks, catching Harrys attention.

"To stay the night." he answers. "If you want. The house gets always very crowded." Louis nods, agreeing to the idea. "Hungry?"

"Yes!" Harry chuckles as he leads Louis back outside. In this part of the woods are always some animals they can hunt.


As Louis wakes up his back feels sore, but he is surrounded by warmth and the sound of water. He doesn't open his eyes, wanting to stay that way for a little longer.

After Harry and him hunted and ate the deer they went back to the cave. Louis was pretty tired and so they just got the blankets to sleep. They laid some on the ground and some over themselves before they laid next to each other; Harry placing his head onto Louis shoulders.

Now they are back to human and Louis' head is placed on Harrys chest. One of the alphas arms is placed around Louis' waist, hand on his hip. The other hand is placed on the smaller lads shoulder, thumb gently rubbing against the clothed collarbone.

"I know you're awake, Lou." Harry notes quiet, not wanting to disturb the peaceful silence.

Louis only answers with a grumble, burying his face more into Harrys chest. He tightens his grip on Harry's shirt.

Harry chuckled. "We need to get up. We have school."

Louis sits up with a groan and glares at the other lad. "What if I don't wanna go? Huh?" he asks challenging.

"Then Berk will dislike you even more." Louis groans before getting up.

"Fine. Let's go to fucking school."


"They will attend differend classes for wednesday to friday." Berk explains as they sit on the football field in their normal clothes, waiting for the kids from the other school to arrive. "The ages also differ. That means some will be younger than you are, but they will go to your classes so I expect from you to help them around."

All heads turn towards the parking lot as they hear a bus arrive. Everyome gets up and Berk leads them towards the arriving people.

Louis and Harry stay behind. The omega admitted that he is nervous, because there will be alphas and he doesn't know them. He is scared that some may treat him horribly.

"It will be fine." Harry says quiet, putting a hand on the small of Louis' back. "I'm here."

Louis nods, biting his lip as they arrive at the parking lot. The doors of the bus already opened and a few of the teenagers got outside; boys and girls.

The omega frowns as he seems to recognize a few faces until two catch his eye. Tears rise in his eyes as he starts to walk past people towards the two people; two girls.

One of them just got a small suitcase while the other looks around, her suitcase in her hand. Her eyes land on Louis as he is in front of his class.

"Lou!" the girl exclaims as she runs to him, jumping into his open arms. The omega stumbles back slightly as her body crashed into his. Her arms are wrapped tightly around his neck, legs around his waist. She buried her face in his neck.

Louis tumbles again a little as a second body crashes into his. He takes one of his hands from the back of the girl that's clinging to him like a koala to put it around the other girl.

"Lottie. Fizzy. What are you doing here?" Louis asks as Fizzy slides down, hugging him normally.

"I'm here too!" another familiar voice says over excited.

Louis looks up and can't believe his eyes. "El!" The older girl hugs Louis too.

Non of them really cares about the others, who moved away a little. They try to ignore them as they greet the new arrivals. Only Harry is watching them amused and fond. From what he gathered those are two of his sisters and his best friend, Eleanor.

Louis is happy as he hugs three of his favorite girls he missed for a while now. He could swear that this day is going to be one of the best he had in a while. That is until he hears that toxic voice. His whole body goes tense as he hears those words and the voice he hoped he'd never hear again.

"Where is my hug, pup? You're not excited to see me?"


Ukay. Two things.

First: Next chapter --> more of Louis' past

Second: The story is slowly coming to an end😭


See you in the next chapter \(^^)

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now