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It did rain, harder than Marlowe had ever seen. The drops felt like needles piercing his skin with the force they dove from the sky at. It was barely seconds before he was drenched in the lukewarm water, clothes completely soaked.

True let out a tipsy laugh from beside him, the sound of thunder mingling with his voice. His teeth gleaned sharply in the soft moonlight and the smell of sweet alcohol clung to both of them.

"I told you it would rain!" He called too loudly, holding his arms out beside him, palms up. Lowe watched the drops bounce off of his skin.

"You were right! Come on, you'll catch cold," he scolded, reaching out and tugging True's hand to pull him towards the truck.

Both boys were relatively drunk, the rain and bad weather unable to put a damper on their mood.

"Do you remember when we were kids?" True asked once they were tucked safely in the cab, uncaring about how wet they were getting the seats.

"You're being vague again. What part about being kids?" Lowe pulled the blankets from the back seat, tagging a couple of wine coolers along with them, and wrapped one around True's shoulders.

"Dunno, all of it I guess." Trues words slurred slightly and he gave Lowe a lopsided grin as he nuzzled into the comforter.

"I doubt I remember all of it." He chuckled, shaking his wet hair out a bit and tugging his long fingers through the tangled locks.

"That girl- at the club a couple nights ago. It serious?" Marlowe looked up, picking up on the sudden topic change and the undertone of True's words. What had he been hinting at? What does it have to do with the girl the other night- what was her name? Bailee? Hailee? Or was it Jessica?Obviously, it wasn't that important.

"Nah. Of course not." If he wasn't so drunk, he could've sworn that True looked relieved.

"You and Rio doing good?" Lowe asked to break the odd silence as he opened his cooler.

"I'm going to break up with her." True confessed to the moon, not making eye contact with Lowe, refusing to even turn his head towards him.

"What?" He asked incredulously, disbelief tangible on his tongue.

"Yeah. I can't keep pretending." True logically knew to shut his mouth. He was drunk, he knew it, and he was saying things he didn't want to say to Lowe. But his lips were loose and the words tumbled out too quick and too slurred to hold back.

"Pretending what? She's literally perfect." Arguing was going to get them nowhere, but with the liquor replacing the blood in both their veins, it didn't seem to matter.

"You can have her then. She's only perfect if you're into that sort of thing."

"What 'sort of thing', True? Rio is amazing."

"She's a girl." True shrugged, downing half of the cooler in his hand and immediately regretting it. Swallowing thickly, he continued to stare at the moon.

"And?" Lowe pushed, turning to look at True carefully.

"And she is perfect. But I don't like her that way. Not any girl that way." The night fell silent, even the thunder seemed to hold its breath.

"That's alright, dude. Sometimes I wonder if I feel that way, too."

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