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Admiring Marlowe had become a regular part of True Alcove's life. It didn't stop at the surface, either, because True had known Marlowe the better part of his almost 20 years. He knew all of Marlowe's quirks, his biggest pet peeves, and all the other trivial things that no one would be able to decipher. He even knew that in the summer, Lowe's cheeks and the narrow bridge of his nose would become speckled with tan coloured freckles, the same ones that within a week of the first fall of leaves, would all but disappear.

So, from across the bar in the busy club, True watched him. The thick scent of sweat and sweet liquor soaked into the air around True. Lowe's chestnut hair was pushed back and up, falling effortlessly into it's usual disarray. It looked as though he'd woken up that way, but True knew the truth. Lowe woke up early, and in his own extreme vanity, insured that his hair looked just that way- simple, yet flawless.

At the time, Lowe was chatting up the young woman in front of him, his curious green eyes drinking her in. Objectively, True would say she was attractive; petite with long legs and wavy blonde hair. Her vibrant smile was being shamelessly thrown at Marlowe, and True would be lying if he said it didn't sting a little bit, if only because Lowe would never look at True the way he was looking at her.

Honestly, he knew he couldn't expect him to. He'd grown up with Marlowe, experienced everything with him, including the awkward experimental phase back in fifth grade. They'd both laughed it off, sticking to girls and otherwise acting like it'd never happened.

Looking back at it, True thinks he may have only agreed because Marlowe had said it first. If he could be honest with himself for one second, he'd admit that the brief kiss he'd shared with Lowe that day meant a lot more than he'd care to discuss.

Running his thumb over the rim of his glass of rum and coke, he watched Marlowe and the young woman, the loud bass thrumming through his veins, stressing his already racing heart as he watched Lowe lean in.

It was like watching a car crash. True knew he should look away, but he couldn't. He knew it would be something he'd want to forget the second he saw it, but he kept his eyes on them anyways as Lowe brushed her hair back, tucking the soft looking strands behind her ear, and kissed her sweetly.

True gripped his glass harder than necessary and looked beside him where Rio sat. She was gorgeous, he knew that very well. They'd been dating for several months now, the exact number he wasn't sure. Every single guy he knew was unbelievably jealous about it, though.

Rio looked up at him, smiling gently and taking his free hand in her own, locking their fingers together. Her eyes were the colour of melted chocolate, the bright lights in the club ricocheting off them brilliantly. Her hair was the exact same shade, blending beautifully with her olive skin tone. Easily, Rio was the most perfect, well-rounded woman in this entire club- maybe the entire city. And she was beside him, hand in his, possibly in love with him. He felt horrible that he couldn't reciprocate those feelings, however intense, and he scolded himself for not being who he felt he was supposed to be.

I could kiss her, he thought fleetingly. But no amount of alcohol in his body could convince him it was the right thing to do. It wasn't that they'd never done anything physical, they kissed every day, but this was different. No girl deserved to be kissed when he's imagining someone else's lips.

Leaning her head on his shoulder, she seemed content to just maintain the role of bar-flowers, ignoring the craziness surrounding them. She was literal perfection, at his side.

Through it all, though, True knew one thing deep within his bones. He was made for Marlowe Chance. But Marlowe Chance was not made for him.


Authors Note:
I've taken a lot of time off from writing, but I'm back! I hope you guys are ready for an adorable fluff-filled story. Please vote, comment and let me know what you think!
Updates should be fairly regular, as I have several chapters prewritten for this particular story. Hope you enjoy!

Thank you!

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