Part 16: Shower Thoughts with Leo

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Leo McShizzle: If you drop soap on the floor, is the soap dirty or is the floor clean?

Beauty Queen: Leo, I swear to the gods

Leo McShizzle: Your name is just the noise people make to get your attention

Lesbihonest: Repair Boy, IT'S 1AM GO TO SLEEP

Leo McShizzle: Curse words were just words until some guy gave them negative connotations

Wise Girl: i don't need to question my existance right now

Ghost King: every second is one second closer to the sweet release of death

Lesbihonest: damn

The Lesbian Archer: *dam

Leo McShizzle: Your future self is watching you through your memories

Beauty Queen: *internal screaming*

Leo McShizzle: some of us are still "it" from unfinished games of tag

Leo McShizzle: what if your dreams are just what the other you's are doing in alternate universes

Lesbihonest: then other me is extremely problematic and needs to chill

Leo McShizzle: Ice skating is walking........but in cursive


Leo McShizzle: sheet music is just a recipe for sound

The Lesbian Archer: *take on me plays in the background*

The Corrupt One: *incomprehensible screaming*

Leo McShizzle: if nothing is impossible, is it possible for something to be impossible?

Wise Girl: well then, screw sleep. Leo keep going

Leo McShizzle: gladly

Leo McShizzle: what color is a mirror


Leo McShizzle: If you TRY to fail, and succeed, did you fail or succeed?

The Lesbian Archer: can you not?

Leo McShizzle: is there another word for synonym?

Leo McShizzle: the best liar you know isn't the best liar you know (think about it)

Beauty Queen:......shit

Leo McShizzle: ready for the best one?

The Corrupt One: sure

Wise Girl: let's see it

Leo McShizzle: if you work at security for Samsung, are you a guardian of the galaxy?

The Lesbian Archer: oh my FUCK

Leo McShizzle: this has been shower thoughts with Leo

Leo McShizzle: good luck sleeping

ready for a part 2?

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