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Elsa's P.O.V.

"Chloe, Devin, Skyler!" I yell as they run past me, stopping at my feet. My family has grown with a new girl named Skyler who is four years younger than her siblings but what makes her different is that while Chloe and Devin have white hair, Skyler has brunette.

She feels it makes her different and doesn't like it. Jack and I have tried to convince her but nothing has worked.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Devin took my diary!" Chloe snaps.

"And Devin stole my blanket and you know how much that means to me!" Skyler complained.

Skyler has a blanket that she has had throughout her childhood and even though she's starting middle school and her brother and sister in their second year in High school, they think Skyler shouldn't have her blanket.

"Only because you took my trophy!" Devin snaps.

"Ok enough." I shake my head.

"All of you I want the items you stole returned to the original owner and all of you in the living room in ten minutes."

"But mom." They whine.

"Do I need to call your father and get him in this?" I threaten.

"No." They all said.

"Good. Now all of you return what you stole. Skyler, I want to talk to you alone in my room." I said as everyone went upstairs. My phone rang and I pick it up.


"Elsa, I'm sorry but I'm going to be a little late tonight."

"Jack, you promised the kids after you got home for a late night swim." I say.

"I know but you need to understand."

"I do. But you need to owe it to the kids." I told him.

"I know. " I hear someone break in the background and got curious.

"Jack, please tell me you're at the office." I snap.

"I am but I gotta go. Love you." Jack hangs up phone and I sigh. Walking back upstairs to my room, I see Skyler.

"Hey Skyler." I smile as I close the door.

"Ready for middle school?" I smile.


"Why not?" My smile fades.

"I'm scared."

"About what?" I sit on the bed with her.

"Everyone knows Chloe and Devin have powers but I don't. I don't have the silver hair nor powers. I don't want to be different."

"Skyler, you're siblings are different, you aren't and no matter what you think, we all love you for who you are." I smile.

"Devin!" Chloe yells and Skyler and I run to Chloe's room to see it was covered in frost.

"Perfect." I roll my eyes.

"Surprise." Devin smirks.

"You son of a bitch!" Chloe tried to run after he brother but Devin hovers out of reach.

"Both of you quit it." I snap and Devin lands as they look at me.

"Now your dad called a few minutes ago. He's going to be a little late."

"But he promised." Chloe whined.

"I know but...." I stop talking as I see something outside. Silver glistening in the light as he looked at me, a smirk on his dark features.

"Come on you guys, how about Chinese for dinner." I smile.


"Chloe, do you want to order it?" I smile.


"Yeah, I'll be right there." The three kids go downstairs and I go to the curtains, shutting them as I pull my phone out, calling Jack.


"Jack, he's back." I say.


"He knows we have the kids and he's going to go after them."

"But he hasn't-,"

"Jack, I know. But it's not safe for them here anymore. I want to take them to Arendelle."

"But they're going to start school in a few months."

"That doesn't matter."

"Ok, tell them to pack tonight. I'll see if I can get off of work early."

"Thank you Jack." I hang up and go downstairs and see Chloe on the phone and Devin and Skyler watching Bolt.

The food came as we soon all watch the movie, eating. My phone buzzed and I read the text from Jack.

"What the?"

"What?" Chloe asked.

"Apparently we're needed in the driveway." I said. We all get up and walk outside.

"Jack, what's going on?" I ask.

"I know the kids have been talking about wanting a little something so," Jack opens the back door as a little grey husky came out!

"Oh my goodness puppy." The kids smile as they pet the puppy.

"I hope you didn't get the puppy to make them forget your promise." I walk up to Jack.

"Of course not. Hey kids." Jack calls as everyone looks at him.

"Last one in the pool has to clean up your dog's mess." Jack smirks.

"Wait we can keep her?" Skyler smiled.

"Tht depends. Do you really want her?" 

"Yes!" Everyone screams.

"Well first she needs a name." I said.

"How about Snowflake." Jack smiled.

"I like Dakota." Devin said.

"Yeah." Skyler said.

"Ok, all in favor of naming her Dakota?" I ask and Devin and Skyler raised their hands.

"And all in favor of naming her Snowflake?" I ask as Chloe and I raise their hands. We look at Jack and he smiled, raising his hand.

"Then it's settled, her name is Snowflake." Jack smiles as Snowflake barks.

"Ok, so who was it that was going to clean up Snowflake's mess?" Jack asked.

"Not it!" The kids yell as they scrambled inside, Snowflake following.

"We need to warn them." Jack said.

"No. We've kept him away from them this long. If we have to fight for them not to know, I'll fight." I say.

"Ok but I hope you have fun cleaning up after Snowflake." Jack smirks and I race him inside as he went upstairs as I went to the back door.

"You still need to change." Jack said.

"Figured you might race me so I prepared." I smirk, going outside to the kids who were playing in the pool.

"Devin, quit it." Chloe snaps as Devin splashed her on her chair as Snowflake lays on the end of the chair.

"Kids when you're done I need you to pack some of your clothes and anything you might need." I say.

"Why?" Chloe asked.

"Are we going on a trip to the kingdom?" Chloe smiled.

"Something like that."

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