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Elsa's P.O.V.
I had been at Frost's for a month now. I will admit that Frost does get abusive when he isn't in a good mood which he takes out on me.

He did tell me the rules which were pretty simple.

1. Call him either Frost, daddy or sir.
2. No going in his office or bedroom unless he allows it.
3. Disobey him, you will get punished
4. If you escape, you will get punished.
5. If you talk back to him or complain, you will get punished.
6. Don't try to hide when getting punished.
7. No telling anyone that you're his slave.
8. No looking at other men.
9. If anyone looks at you in a bad way, tell him.
10. Always come down if he calls you.

And the weirdest one was the last one.

11. Always come to him if you're sad, scared, worried, or nervous and if you feel uncomfortable, tell him.

All the rules are so strict but the last one which was weird. Frost was at work right now and I just sit on my bed, drawing in my notebook while music played through the speakers in my room. When Frost isn't home I feel like I'm living a rich life with where I'm living but Frost always ruins it.

"Elsa!" Frost calls kind of mad. I close my book, putting it on my desk as I walk downstairs to Frost. I started to get nervous because I knew he was going to do something to me.

"You needed me Frost?" I ask. The next few minutes are a blur as Frost repeatedly hit me until I was on the ground, where he starts kicking me, yelling at me. I close my eyes and it was soon over.

"I'll be back late." He growls, storming away as the door slams close. I put my hand on the ground, trying to get up but fall back on the floor, crying. My whole body hurt. I couldn't move my hand and the blood from my nose was dripping onto the white carpet, forever ruining it.

I soon find a way to get up, stopping my bloody nose and going back to my room. Forgetting dinner, I climb into bed, crying myself to sleep.

Something slid around my waist as I open my eyes, seeing nothing but blackness and smelling nothing but the strong sent of alcohol. I knew who was behind me and I was too scared to move.


"Shhh, get your sleep. Are you comfortable?"

"Yes." I admit, closing my eyes. I didn't know why I felt so comfortable in Frost's arms. I don't know why his gentle words made me feel so safe.

I wake up the next day, carfuly getting away from Frost and checking my phone he got me. I see a number and recognized it as my sister's. She was in town and wanted to meet mw just a few blocks away.

I sneak out of the room, grabbing my coat and shoes and leaving my phone as I run to the meeting place and attack my sister in a hug.

"I thought something happened to you." She smiled.

"No I'm fine. But I didn't know you were in town." I smile as I pull back.

"They told me they tracked you here. I was so worried I would never find you."

"We're sisters, we're always going to find each other." I say as me and my sister walk down the street, catching up but I didn't tell her I was a slave. We were just talking when my sister looked over her shoulder.

"Isn't that Jack Frost?" I look behind me and gasp as his car speeds towards us. Panic ran through my body as I try to calm down.

"Come on." I grab her hand as we run down the street.

"What's going on?"

"Frost is after me and I found out that there's a tracker in my neck that lets him find me." I explain.

"In here." We tuck into an ally way where my sister goes behind me, pressing on my neck as something falls out.

"Ok come on, my car's just up ahead." We peek out of the ally, seeing Frost not here yet as we run to her car, getting in and driving away.

Jack's P.O.V.
I check my phone to see Elsa was just ahead. I stop my car and grab my phone, getting out and walking to the ally way where it said Elsa was. I look around but Elsa was nowhere.

Something caught my eye and I pick it up, seeing it was the tracker they put in her neck. Now Elsa could be anywhere and I don't know where. I lean on the wall, trying to think about all of this.

Then I remembered Elsa was with another girl and she was from Arendelle which I know from her clothing, and because Elsa knew her so I knew the red head was from Arendelle. Then it hit me. Elsa was going home, and she planned for that girl to be there so I didn't catch her right away.

"Smart girl Snowflake. But you can't get past me." I walk out of the ally way and get in my car again, putting in the cornets to Arendelle as I drive off.

Elsa's P.O.V. 

"Thanks again for saving me." I smile, taking a bite from my food.

"Oh of course. It felt so lonly without you here." My sister smiled and I smiled back.

"I think I'm going to have a shower." I stand up, walking up to my room and going in my bathroom, turning on the shower and grabbing two towels and a new outfit as I strip down, getting into the warm shower.

I soon finish and wrap myself in a towel as I walk out of my bathroom. Suddenly a hand wraps around my mouth, my back against something hard.

"Surprised to see me Snowflake?" The sound made me want to kill him. I immediately get away, looking back at Frost.

"Hiding in Arendelle with the princess, planning to run away, how cute."

"Are you serious!" I scoff.

"I didn't plan anything. Anna just texted me saying she was in the area and wanted to talk to me. I was going to come back if you hadn't chased me with your car. So don't blame this all on me!" I yell. Frost's face changed.

"Don't lie to me." Frost snaps, covering up that he knew I wasn't lying.

"I'm not lying I swear Jack." I choke, accidentally saying his first name but I didn't care.

"Okay. I was scared. I was worried, I didn't want to be beaten or hurt. The last month or two might have been a breeze for you but for me, it was a nightmare. So I'd appreciate it if you back off for a minute because you are no human and certainly not my master."

I walk past him, going into my closet and get dressed. I go out into my room and see Frost was gone.

"Goodbye Jack Frost."

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