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Oh, seriously? She just jumped out a window to pet a dog. Well, we are on the ground floor, but still! And it's Hagrids mutt, too!

"SMITH GET BACK UP HERE. NOW." I yelled. I want to go to my quarters. I could be working on a potion right now. I don't know why I have to be the one she does the family class with. Albus should know that I don't do well with kids. I mean I scare them to death......well, that bit may be on purpose.

Smith still hasn't gotten up here.....I have to do something. "ACCIO SMITH" Ohh, now watch her zoom up through the window.

"What the heck was that for, I was just petting the dog!"  

"You shouldn't have run off on me like that. Now come on, I going to the quarters, and if you quit following me, I won't stop."

"Sooooo, Snape, whats got you so grouchy? Are you mad that beardy made you teach a class with the new girl?" she asks in a baby voice.

"No," I snap, "I want to be in my quarters where I can be making a potion and away from you!"

"Fine, be like that, I don't know why you hate fun so much."   I can tell that Smith is mad from the way that she says that, but I really don't feel all that bad. I just want to go to sleep.

"This is the door leading into your Quarters. Just say what you think the password should be and it will open. After that, the word will be your password." As soon as I say that, I turn and walk further down the hall to my own door. Saying the password, I get in and lay down. If this is just the day that I met her, what will the rest of the year be like?

A Gang, A Love, & A Death   (A Severus Snape love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora