Chapter 4 Emoness will rub off on me.

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Katarina's POV

"What?" yelled emo guy. Oh he must be the one I am sharing living areas with. Humh....I wonder if his emoness will rub off on me. Wait...whats his name? Um...Um...Snape! Thats it!

"Prof. Snape, why don't you show her to her quarters, and then we'll all retire for the night." says Dumbledore.

"Fine. Come Miss.Smith."  He looks angry, kinda like someone killed his puppy and then left him the body. He stalks out of the big room really fast, and I'm try to keep up until I see this giant dog out the window. The dog looks so cuddly, and I really want to pet it. Ughh.... I don't know the way to the door. Oh... I can jump out the window. We are on the ground floor.

"Bye Snape." I yell at the top of my lungs, and then I jump out of the window. Ha, bet he wasn't expecting that!  I start running twoards the dog. He barks at me and starts bounding twoards me. I crouch down and open up my arms. It's like one of those slow-mo movies. Just as the dog leaps into my arms and starts licking me, Snape yells out the window, "Nooooooooooooooooo."

HAHAHAH......just kidding. He actually yelled "SMITH GET BACK UP HERE. NOW!"  

A Gang, A Love, & A Death   (A Severus Snape love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ