~Chapter One: Pregnant~

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Kole POV

"I'm pregnant."

I had only been in the apartment for half an hour and my ex-girlfriend, Dalia, was interrogating and accusing me after coming home late. I had just came back from my friend Joshua's house. The whole gang was there so we binge watched Beauty and the Beast and let me tell you, each season is was filled with more and more drama. Anyway, when I got back, she accused me of cheating and asked why I was out so late.

This had been going on for about a month now and we had already been together for five. I soon grew tired of her not trusting me and decided to break it off. After saying we should break up, Dalia drops the bomb and says she's pregnant. I guess she was tying to see if I would show sympathy but honestly, I really don't care. Pregnant or not, I honestly can't stand her. It's probably not even mine seeing as she's the one going behind my back. She really sucks at hiding it.

Seeing as I didn't care if she was pregnant or not, I just shrugged my shoulders which earned me a hard slap across the face.

"YOU ASSHOLE, YOU'RE BREAKING UP WITH ME BECAUSE I'M PREGNANT. FIRST YOU CHEAT AND NOW THIS" Dalia screamed at the top of her lungs which sounded more so like screeching sirens.

She's such a hypocrite, why'd I start dating her in the first place. Oh wait, I know, it's because I'm a shallow asshole. She had beautiful black hair, so black it was almost purple and gorgeous green eyes that reminded me of the spring. I guess I kind of just looked over her bitchy attitude and shitty personality. At first I didn't care, but now, things are just getting out of hand.

"I didn't cheat on you so stop screaming before you get yourself a sore throat" I'm not even sure how getting a sore throat works but I know I didn't want it.

"So now you care about me!?" Dalia exclaims in an annoyed but hopeful tone.

"No, I just don't want to get sick because of you" I say as I walk into the kitchen with her not to far behind.

"No, I just don't want to get sick because of you" I say as I walk into the kitchen with her not to far behind

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(A/N: Kole's kitchen)

I go to the fridge to grab a Ginger Ale and just as I was about to take a sip she smacks the can out of my hand and my soda spills all over the floor. My precious soda, I cried internally.

"Why don't you ever pay attention to me, I DESERVE ALL YOUR LOVE AND AFFECTION." She cried out to me.

I swear Dalia is crazy. I decide to just let her continue her rant which took about 45 minutes. I hadn't listened to a thing she had said and I'm guessing she realized cause the next thing I know the door slams shut signaling her retreat.

Finally some peace and quiet, I thought to myself. Honestly, she was giving me a headache. I cleaned the soda off the floor before it got sticky. After cleaning the mess I headed upstairs to my room to relax. My room was a light grayish color and had too many posters to count.

On the right side of the room was a bunch of anime posters mainly consisting of Fairytail, Future Diary, Attack on Titan, OHSHC, the Dragon Ball franchise, and believe it or not, Sailor Moon. I could be a softy sometimes too. The left side of my glorious room was filled with kpop. BTS, Blackpink, Got7, Twice, Exo, and Mamamoo took up the whole wall. My best friend Lana thought I was obsessed after I showed her my room and a 30 minute PowerPoint I had created explaining how awesome they all were. I then told her I wasn't obsessed and that I was just very committed. She never stepped foot into my room again.

When I got to my room, I went to my walk-in closet and opened the door only to find my two dogs, Potato and Dasani, sleeping peacefully.

I know what you're thinking, 'why name your dogs those horrible names, that's just wrong'  but I have my reasons.

My dog Potato is a pug that loves to eat potatoes, he also looks like one but let's not go there. My other dog Dasani, is a husky. When I first got him he wouldn't drink any type of water except Dasani. He's still like that now so I guess it kind of stuck. I'm pretty sure my dogs are gay for each other but that's none of my business.

After gushing at the sight of my cute dogs cuddling, I grab some night clothes and head to the bathroom.

After gushing at the sight of my cute dogs cuddling, I grab some night clothes and head to the bathroom

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(A/N: Kole's bathroom)

I take a quick shower and when I get out I dry off and put on my night clothes and fluffy unicorn slippers. I flop on my bed and have an internal argument on whether I should go in YouTube or Wattpad. When I'm done debating with myself, I end up feeling too tired to do either. Just as I'm about to go to sleep, I hear the closet door creak and the soft padding of paws on the tiled floor. Potato and Dasani decide to join me for a good nights sleep.


This is my first chapter so I'm sorry if it's crappy but I hope you enjoyed it.

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