In Trouble part 2(Sterek)

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Stiles threw himself down on the couch once Liam had left.

"I can't believe you're letting him date Theo, you hated the guy," Derek huffed glaring down at the human now sprawled on his couch.

"Yeah, I know, but if it gets Liam to calm down some then it's worth it," Stiles sighed.

"Yeah until Theo does something to hurt him and then Liam becomes totally uncontrollable," Derek scoffed.

"Don't worry, I'm planning to threaten his life," Stiles said closing his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Derek demanded.

"What?" Stiles frowned, not opening his eyes.

"You're not falling asleep on my couch again," Derek smacked Stiles legs out of the way, so he could sit.

"I'm not, I'm just resting, Liam may be several years younger than me, but he's still a werewolf, and man handling him, was not easy," Stiles laid his legs back across Derek's lap earning a glare from the alpha, but he didn't push him off.

"Where was Scott? Why didn't he help you?" Derek asked.

"In a corner with Isaac probably," Stiles shrugged, his eyes still closed.

"Where was- oh in the corner with Scott," Derek nodded. The two had recently started dating.

"Guess it's your turn to date someone," Derek said smirking at the human.

This caused Stiles to open his eyes, "What?"

"Well Lydia is with Jackson, Ethan and Danny are together, Malia and Kira are together, Scott and Isaac of course, Corey and Mason are still together, and Liam is now going to be dating Theo. That just leaves you," Derek explained.

"And you," Stiles countered.

Derek tensed slightly, "I'm happy to remain single."

"So am I," Stiles shrugged.

"I doubt that," Derek scoffed. Stiles was the social butterfly of the group, along with Lydia of course, but Stiles was a bit nicer than the red head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Stiles frowned.

"I mean you like to surround yourself with people," Derek explained with a shrug.

"You're all the company I need Der," Stiles smirked closing his eyes again.

Derek fought back a smile. He would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy Stiles' company. The two got along better than any of the other pack members. Though they argued the most, it was only because they were together all the time. In fact it was rare when they weren't together.

Scott had mentioned Derek and Stiles being so close, and Derek insisted they just worked well together. Which was true. And if Derek would text Stiles when he felt lonely, well no one needed to know about that.

"Stop thinking so loudly," Stiles grumbled.

"What?" Derek frowned at the human.

"I can practically feel you thinking, what's on your mind?" Stiles asked, his eyes still closed.

"Just thinking how quiet it would be if you did start dating someone," Derek lied.

"You assume I wouldn't still be around all the time," Stiles snorted.

"I don't think you would be," Derek answered honestly. He suddenly dreaded the day Stiles met someone. It really would be too quiet.

Stiles opened his eyes again and lifted his legs off of Derek as he sat up.

"Derek, you're not just my alpha, you're my friend, nobody is going to keep me from you," Stiles spoke sincerely, "Besides, you'd be lost without me, who would help you discipline the kids," Stiles joked as he stood up.

Derek's stomach flipped at his words, 'nobody is going to keep me from you'. Something about that hit Derek in a way he couldn't describe.

"Dude, it was a joke, calm down," Stiles nudged a frowning Derek.

"Yeah, I know," Derek forced a small smile.

"Well, I gotta go threaten a werewolf's life, I'll text you," Stiles said heading for the door.

Derek nodded, "Call me if you need me."

Once Stiles was gone Derek let out a frustrated sigh, he recognized the feeling in the pit of his stomach as more than just friendly affection, he was falling for Stiles.

(Request for BrendaHerondale99, hope it's okay)

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