In trouble(Sterek)

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Stiles opened the passenger side door of his jeep and drug Liam out by the collar.

"Let's go," Stiles snapped shoving Liam up the stairs of Derek's loft.

"Is this really necessary? Derek's gonna murder me," Liam whined.

Stiles scoffed but didn't say anything as he opened the loft door.

Derek walked into the living room with his arms crossed.

Liam bowed his head in shame.

"Stiles tells me you lost your temper on the field again," Derek spoke calmly but Liam wasn't fooled.

"Brett was being a dick, he was trying to rile me up," Liam huffed.

"I don't care if he keyed your damn car, you can't shift in the middle of the field," Derek snapped.

"I don't have a car," Liam frowned.

Derek let out a low growl.

"Liam, you're missing the point," Stiles stepped in. The two always tag teamed Liam together.

"I get the point, don't shift," Liam groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Obviously not, if I hadn't dragged your little werewolf ass off the field everyone would have seen!" Stiles threw his hands up in exasperation.

"I'm sorry," Liam huffed again.

"Sorry isn't good enough, Liam. This is a big deal," Derek stepped back in. He could see the murderous look Stiles often got when dealing with Liam.

"You two aren't my parents," Liam snapped.

This angered Derek, "You listen to me, we are trying to protect you, do you understand? You put all of us at risk of exposure every time you lose your temper like that, so you can say we act like your parents, but we wouldn't have to if you didn't act like a child."

Stiles pulled Derek back, "Okay, okay, calm down."

"He's being-"

"Hey, look at me," Stiles cut in forcing Derek to meet his eyes, "I get it, okay, let me take over," Stiles gently pushed Derek back a bit, putting space between him and Liam.

Stiles was the only one that talked to Derek like that. None of the other members dared tell him what to do, and he wouldn't listen even if they tried. But Stiles had a way with Derek. Liam had assumed it was because Stiles was human, but Scott had claimed it had more to do with a mutual respect they shared. Lydia just said they loved each other. Whatever the reason, though Stiles knew exactly how to handle the alpha.

"Liam, we do this because we care, okay? I know Derek doesn't look like the caring type, but..." Stiles glanced at the raven haired man, "Way down deep he does, like way way down."

"Stiles," Derek snapped.

"Right, sorry, anyway, we've been talking and we noticed your temper is getting worse..." Stiles trailed off hoping Liam would explain himself.

"If something is going on you should tell me," Derek said, his tone gentler than before.

"I'm fine," Liam shrugged.

Derek and Stiles exchanged glances.

"You're lying," Stiles said turning back to Liam.

"You're not a werewolf, how do you know?" Liam scoffed.

"Cause he is," Stiles jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at Derek.

Liam rolled his eyes again. He swore they communicated telepathically sometimes.

"So?" Derek pressed.

"Ever since Hayden left I've found myself...noticing..." Liam trailed off.

"Noticingggg..." Stiles urged Liam to continue.

"Guys," Liam shrugged.

"Wait, you're gay?" Stiles asked raising his brows.

"No," Liam immediately responded, "I mean...I don't know," He bowed his head in frustration.

"Let me guess, you've been noticing Brett," Stiles smirked knowingly.

"He's been really flirty with Theo and I don't know why it bothers me..." Liam whined.

Derek looked at Stiles, "He's got anger issues and jealousy issues? I can't...this kid..." Derek scoffed running a hand over his face.

"Okay, first of all, your best friend is gay, so that shouldn't be a problem. Secondly, just ask Brett out," Stiles said as if it was obvious.

"What? No. I'm not interested in Brett," Liam grimaced.

"Wait, but..." Stiles frowned.

"Theo?" Derek raised a disbelieving brow.

"I know I know," Liam groaned. He seriously felt like he'd just told his parents he had a crush on the school's bad boy.

"No," Derek growled out.

"Derek," Stiles shot the alpha a look.

"Do you not remember what all he did?" Derek scoffed.

"Yes, but it's been almost six months since he's done anything. He seemed to have changed. Besides, we forgave Peter, multiple times," Stiles countered.

Derek ran his hands over his face again, letting out a groan.

"Fine, whatever, if it calms you the hell down, date him, but I won't hesitate to rip him apart," Derek snapped.

Liam's eyes widened, "You're giving me permission to date Theo?" Liam asked.

"I don't like it, but Stiles' right," Derek huffed.

Stiles smiled proudly.

"Can I go now?" Liam asked glancing between Stiles and Derek.

"Yes," They answered in unison.

Liam smirked, they might as well have been dating, they acted like a married couple anyway.

(Request for JadeJardine, hope it's okay)

Spn And TW One Shots Book 1 (CLOSED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora