Chapter 60: Looking Back

Start from the beginning

"Sure." Toby pulled out his phone and they watched as his fingers flew over it for a few seconds. "Here." He turned the phone around and she gasped.

"Fabian! What the heck

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"Fabian! What the heck. I look a mess. I literally just woke up here." She leaned over and flicked his arm.

"Ouch! You always look good that's why i sent it," he said as he rubbed his arm and scowled.

Toby, Skye and Grace all laughed behind their hands.

"You guys are actual goals," Skye said with a bright smile. "I love how you two are bestfriends and dating at the same time."

The two of them groaned. They weren't a big fan of anyone admiring their relationship even though they really did have a great one.

"Can i ask how you guys met?" Grace asked quietly.

Jaimie-mae and Fabian shared smug glances and grinned at each other.

"Yeah sure," Jaimie-mae said with a smile.

"Well, i got hit by a car and she saved my life."

The three of them stared dumbfounded at the couple.

"You're kidding right?"

The two of them shook their heads.

"No. Jaimie-mae's a real special girl. She saved my life like some type of super hero. She's my little mermaid."

She giggled and slid closer to him. "And he's my Eric."

Toby pretended to gag, but really he admired what they had. What they had was real love. It was something people strived for but for some reason couldn't seem to find or keep.

But the thing is, you don't really look for love. Love finds you. It finds you at a time when you are ready, when you really need it.

For Jaimie-mae, love came in the form of a dark haired, brown eyed boy with a smile brighter than the sun. He was her own saviour. Her dream.

But also, Fabian came in the form of hope. He saved her from her fears and troubles in a way no one else could. He loved her back to life and she would be forever grateful for him, just like Fabian would be forever grateful for her coming to his aid when he had been hit by that car.

Fabian was that boy that made Jaimie-mae's days better. She could actually say 'my life has changed since i met him. For the better.' It was like something out of a romance movie to her. It seemed so unrealistic to fall so deeply in love, but she did. And she enjoyed every minute of it.

Fabian had done a lot more than any therapist or phycologist could have ever done for her. And that was special.

Really, therapy was some type of love or care. It wasn't over-priced sessions in an office with someone you didn't truly know. Therapy was having someone you trust be able to listen to you; someone you could talk to.

A lot of things can happen in a year. For Jaimie-mae, that year included: saving a life, gaining hers back, falling in love and giving back love.

She couldn't think of anything better than what she had right now. Sure, she had lost her bestfriend Rosay and she'd lost her old life but she also gained a new one and she was okay with that.

Fabian was great. And so was college. So were the new friends she'd made.

She accepted that she couldn't change the past even though it did still haunt her some times. She just realized she had to accept it. She had to work with what she had. And she had Fabian beside her every step of the way.

She also had Kacey even though she was all the way in New york. She had Kano and Bella. She even had Malakai, Daniel and sometimes Jerry.

She also had Madison, Mason and even Justin as her family. She loved them like she did her own mother. They had helped her through things as well, whether they realized it or not.

Then, there was her mom. Her mom was amazing. She worked her butt off to pay for the therapy sessions even though Jaimie-mae thought they were a waste of money. No matter how much Jaimie-mae complained about them, they had helped. Jazmyn, had also moved away from her friends and her job so that Jaimie-mae could live more comfortably. So she wasn't constantly in fear. Her mom had sacrificed a whole lot for her daughter and Jaimie-mae thanked her every week over video chat.

Now, Jaimie-mae had Toby, Grace and Skye with her. Even though they didn't know she had PTSD, they were still great supports. They kept her smiling and laughing and it made the college experience a lot easier.

College was something Jaimie-mae was pushing through. Standing on her own two feet. And if she ever stumbled, Fabian was right there at her side to catch her.

It was the same way for Fabian. He knew Jaimie-mae had his back. He couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend. He was flying through college. He was getting grades that his dad would be proud of. But he wasn't doing this for his dad or anyone else for that matter; he was doing it for himself.

Jaimie-mae never let him forget how proud of him she was about it.

Through college they had fallen even more in love than they thought was humanly possible. They thought they would both eventually need space because they were living together in an apartment, but that hadn't happened.

Instead of arguing they were playing around and enjoying the time they had together. Instead of fighting, they were busy helping each other with essays. They were childish behind closed doors. Constantly wrestling and dumping water on each other while the other slept.

Playing around had become part of their routine. When they hadn't seen much of eachother all week due to loads of college work, they'd play video games and get fat off pizza. Then they'd go to the gym and burn off the few extra pounds they'd gained. Eventually that would turn the gym time into a bet-you-can't-run-faster-me game and they'd turn up the treadmill onto an unsafe speed until the other stopped them because they feared for the other persons life.

They hadn't had sëx again yet, but they didn't need to. Their relationship was firey enough. Sure, they got a little handsy with each other sometimes but that was about it. They both knew they didn't need sëx to keep their relationship interesting and entertaining. It wasn't desperately needed when they were truly in love.

"That's pretty cool. Falling in love with the person that saved your life," Toby said with a smirk.

The two of them glanced at each other and smiled.

"Yeah, it is."

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