Another Day

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The second day of my stay didn't go that well because majority of the time was spent staying at home, news showed incidents of clashes in the valley, other channels didn't have much to show to keep me engrossed, tossing the remote aside I thought of taking a walk in the backyard, thinking probably that would uplift my mood, I couldn't walk for more than ten min, it was humid outside. I came inside, called my parents, Mumma picked up on third ring, 'Salaam Mumma, how are you', 'I am good Beta, how are you, your Mamu told me you reached safely yesterday, I had gone over to the Shiva temple to pray for your safety, and after that Rouhan was so upset at knowing this, amidst all this, it just slipped my mind to call you. I am sorry Beta, tell me what are you doing now'. I wasn't upset at her for not calling me yesterday, I knew Rouhan would be tough to handle when he comes to know, 'It's alright Mumma, I understand, there's nothing much here to do so I thought of calling you, I'll ask Mamu today to at least allow me to go to college, I can't miss out on my studies so much, anyway, did anything happen at the designated time, 12 pm yesterday? '.

Mumma averted my question saying she has some urgent work to do, before I could say anything, she hung up. I knew something was being kept from me, and I knew how to get it answered from Mamu, so I waited for him to come. I decided to talk to the servants, they were the ones I thought who wouldn't stay silent. I approached Shehzad Bhai, he was in the kitchen, clearing up everything and cleaning the slabs, 'Shehzad Bhai, if you won't mind, can we talk, I don't really have anything to do and I think you're probably more friendlier than others here. Not that others are rude, only if it won't disturb your work.'

Shehzad Bhai smiled and said, 'I knew you would be bored Bibiji, this house doesn't have much to keep someone of your age engaged, Sahib is always at work and when he's back, he doesn't do much than watch T.V. or host some party, it's not a trouble at all for me, ask me anything you would want to Bibiji'.

I was glad at least someone was talking to me, 'Bhai, where are you from? Though you stay here but where is your homeland, and what keeps you so engrossed here, this house is so boring, don't you get bored?' Bhai laughed at this, 'Sana Bibi, my work takes all of my time, and after that I rest in my quarters, I am from Kashmir, I was looking for work there, that's when your father spotted me and asked Sahib to keep me at work, I am grateful to your father, he is a really good person. He has a very good reputation in Kashmir, not just as a rich person but as a good human being, and so are you Bibiji. Your father has helped me during my times of trouble, I shall be grateful to him forever, I look up to him. May Allah grant him more and keep you all happy always. Inshallah.'
I felt proud of my father at hearing this, 'Bhaijaan, you're a good person, why wouldn't he have helped you, and you'll be a great person too, I know this. I don't know since when did this communal notion spread in our land. We all live together so peacefully. '

'Bibiji, there are good and bad people in every society, those who are interested in causing trouble always find a reason to do so, it's all temporary, don't worry,it'll all be over, our people love each other, nothing can separate us. '

I took a leave after this, as Mamu had come home, I told Shehzad Bhai that it was good to talk to him and that we would talk later now. I received Mamu in the drawing room with a glass of water, he had come back with two or three men , all talking about work, so I left and went to my room. I waited for him to be free, and since I had nothing to do, I dozed off.

I was woken up by Mamu and looked around to see the time, it was 10 pm. 'Mamu now you aren't going anywhere without answering my questions because it concerns me and I am bothered. Did anything happen at 12 yesterday?'.

'No Beta, nothing happened yesterday at that time, I guess it was a mere threatening, though the reasons for that are yet to be ascertained, the police says, normalcy will be back in a week, after that you may go back. '
'Mamu I am really bored here, can I at least go to college?'
He said he would find me a music tutor so that I could continue my music lessons here, but said I could go to college only after a week, he said Fatima could come over to meet me if she wished to. That made me happy. At least something was going to keep me occupied. It had been long since I met her.

Hello my lovely readers, how are you finding the story till now, I tried that this chapter doesn't turn out to be boring, I hope it was not.
Apart from this, stay happy beautiful people, and embrace however you are, don't change yourself for anyone, just evolve as a person when the need so arises in your life. Keep smiling, it's the most beautiful thing you could do and keep supporting one another, it's really kind and beautiful. That's what makes us humans. 💖💖

Into The Heart Of Kashmir: HeavenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя