To Jammu

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I woke up at 10, not realizing I had slept for so long, it had almost been six hours since I slept. I went down and found everyone assembled in the dining for breakfast, and sat along with them. Rabia Bibi was serving us omelets, while Mumma was serving us tea. I looked at dad, he was busy eating and assuming the time to be perfect for it, I told him, 'Dad, someone came in my balcony today, I don't know who it was, he was masked so I couldn't see his face and since it was dark I don't exactly remember what he looked like, he tapped on my window and left a note in my balcony. I had locked the gate from within and after I thought considerable time had passed since he has gone, I opened the gate and picked up the note. I was terrified, I really was, I didn't want to wake you all up, as you had just gone to sleep so I waited.' After I finished speaking, Papa asked me to bring the note down at once, I went to my room gave the note to him downstairs. He read the inscription, looked somewhat tensed, and passed the note to Mamu. Mamu folded the note after reading it and looked at me, he said, ' Beta, as you can see this is not good, the Times are not good in our locality as well. There has been a protest led by militants and things are becoming increasingly terrible. In these circumstances, at least after this, we cannot let you stay here, I would want you to come with me to Jammu, whoever it was who did this, might as well do this again, and we don't have much time. If he really wants to meet you at 12, we better leave right now. '
I didn't get time to comprehend all this at once, Mumma looked worried and told me to have breakfast properly, while she went upstairs to pack my stuff. Everything was happening at such pace, I didn't have time to plan anything, I finished my breakfast and went to my room to help mom. We quickly packed the most important stuff, some books and few pair of clothes, mom said Mamu could buy me more clothes later there if the need so arises. I came down with my bag and dad gave me some money, around 25k in an envelope and 1000 in change, despite Mamu's reluctance. My mother handed us lunch that she had packed for us and I went outside seeing the driver waiting for us already. I went to the backseat and sat there while Mamu sat in the front. My parents told me they would contact me daily over call and would even come and meet me in a day or two. Without wasting much time, we left, Rouhan had gone to school, so I couldn't meet him, I was upset about that and knew he would be too after not finding me home and knowing about all this. The way was far so I waited to arrive at Mamu's place so that I could talk to him patiently about all that was happening.

Hello lovely readers, hope you're doing great, kindly smile while reading this, it looks so good on you 😁😊😊. I hope you liked the chapter, as I have been saying, the story has a long way to go so keep showing your support.
Apart from this, realise how important and unique you are, and it's never too late to start doing something you love. Go on people, set your mind on things and achieve them all, you can do it . 😊😊😊

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