The boy simply shook his head before his hand latched onto her wrist, pulling her after him.

'Drew, what are you doing?' She asked as she laughed.

He didn't reply as he pulled her up the stairs quickly, making it hard to keep her footing.

'De, come on,' She chuckled; 'What are-'

A gasp left her mouth as he pulled her into her own room, motioning to the bed. She began to laugh as she brought her hands up to her mouth, looking at her brother who was smiling from ear to ear. Before her sat a large piece of black cardboard with blue writing and balloons either side tape to the wall above her bed, the sign saying, Bailey, you can't be a winter formal virgin forever, and because I love you, please let me be your first date to your first formal. The girl nodded as she wrapped her arms around her twin, laughing none stop.

'So, you'll go?' He asked as he hugged her back.

'Yes,' She chuckled.


They laughed together, Bailey shaking her head at her brother as he danced around with her still in his arms.

'Do I have to wear a dress?' She asked.

'Yes,' He stated firmly; 'Half the Padilla clan will be here in ten to take you shopping.'

'And you just assumed I'd say yes?'

'I knew you'd say yes. No one can say no to me.'

'You wish, Matthews.'

She turned to look at the poster again, shaking her head as she continued to grin; Drew's arm wrapped around her shoulders.

'You're the best brother ever, you know that?' She sighed.

'Yup,' He nodded.

'You arse. You're not supposed to say that.'

'You've been telling me that a lot lately. And guess what? I still don't care.'

Bailey turned her head to look up at Drew's face, her smile only growing wider when he met her gaze. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering there for a second before he pulled away and leant his head on top of hers.

Within fifteen minutes after that, Bailey was walking through the mall with Kalani and Hayden. But after drifting from dress shop to dress shop for an hour, Bailey still couldn't find a dress. She was sure she had tried at least fifty on, none of them pleasing to the eye as she tried them on.

'Kalani, I hate this one, too,' Bailey called from inside the dressing room.

Hayden groaned as he slid further into the seat, Kalani walking over calmly with another two dresses in her arms.

'Try these,' She told her as she hung them up on the hook inside the small room.

'Come on, Bay,' Hayden called; 'It can't be that hard. At least show us one.'

'Shut up, Hayden,' The Matthews girl replied.

'Fuck, I'm glad I'm out of high school.'

'I can still hear you.'

'That was the point.'

Bailey huffed and shimmied into a black and red dress, the top half black with small cut outs on either side and the skirt, red. She looked at herself in the mirror, placing her hands on her hips as she looked over her figure.

'Show us whatever one you've got on,' Hayden demanded; 'I don't care what you look like.'

The girl ran her hand over her face before she stepped out of the dressing room, jutting her hip out to the side as she crossed her arms over her chest.

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