Chapter 13: Restart

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I woke up

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I woke up. I was in a room. Where am I? Wait, what is my name? Who am I!?!

I see a man on the couch. Who is he?

I stand as I walk to him and shake him up.

"What is it!?!" He says in a deep husky voice with his eyes still closed... that made me go crazily scared. My hands traveled to my hair as I began to pull it but It feels like I don't feel pain. I began to shout but there were no sounds coming out.

I walk backward until I hit the wall with my back and I slide down as I hug my legs. Tears were in my eyes but they didn't fall. I see my arms and legs filled with bruises. I then wrap my arms around my legs as I hide my head on my knees.


Tae's Pov

After I said those words I felt weird after the silence. I open my eyes and see in front of me was Y/N hugging her legs as she hid her head. Is she AWAKE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER?

I run to her but I stop when I saw her shaking. She was shaking in fear... Of me...

I only click the call button next to the bed. The nurses come and assist her.

I removed her wedding ring before I took her here and I hope I can make her sign the divorce papers. And we will finally get married.
Removing her memories was a great Idea. I paid the doctor that did the surgery to inject something that will make her forget everything... But the doctor did tell me that she had a Trauma... The trauma of me... But she does not know me now and I will make her mine again, ONLY MINE!

end pov

(Hey!!! Some music for you guys but this only works if you are using a laptop or PC. But if you have this on your iTunes better well PLAY IT. Just for fun😅)

I was finally calm as I only laid on the bed.

*squeak*  The sound of the door, opening but I was scared of looking who it was... I only stared at the ceiling.

"Babe?"  That sound... It sounds familiar... It's no longer scary, in fact, it was heart flattering.

Who is he? *boom boom* why is my heart popping out of my chest?

But why does it feel... Like pain? It's like little sharp pokes are in my beating heart... I-I feel weird

"Y/N-ah" I would love to hear that every day, every hour, every minute, every second... But...

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