Chapter 4 - Dogs Dying

Comenzar desde el principio

First period, recess and second period all flew by and soon enough it was time for third period aka History. That was a class I shared with Hunter, Alex and Ali which was pretty cool.

The thing I found pretty weird was that Alex and Hunter never said anything about me dating Jacob, I was a little suspicious but other than that I acted normally around them.

We all walked into History, grabbing our usual seats. Hunter and I shared a desk in the third row while Alex and Ali shared a desk right in front of us.

Right before class started someone came rushing in and grabbed the seat behind me. I looked up from unpacking my things to see Jacob hand in hand with another girl.

Oh right, I forgot to tell you, Jacob was also in this class.

"If you guys are dating, why is he holding another girl's hand?" Hunter whispered just as Miss Gabriel walked in.

"It's complicated."

"Always is. Are you jealous?"

At that I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Number one, I was not jealous, this bet was all his idea in the first place and two, please refer to 1.

"Miss Lancaster, what is so funny about my dog dying," Miss Gabriel asked walking towards me.

Oh shit.

"Yeah, what is so funny about Miss Gabriel's dog dying? Care to share?" Hunter says smirking at me.

I open my mouth to tell him off but Miss Gabriel beats me to it.

"Hunter! I will be the one asking questions around here, lunch detention for you! And Riley, lunch detention for you too!"

I hear snickering all around me but I decide to just ignore it. Halfway through the lesson, I hear noises coming from behind me, I turn around to see Jacob sucking faces with the girl beside him and turn to face the front and continue with my work.

"Isn't that like called cheating?" Hunter asks from beside me.


"Aren't you going to break up with him?"


"Why not?"

"Because I can't."

"Why is that?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why can't you tel-"


Everybody including me turns around to see them still sucking faces. I turn back around to see Alex looking at me.

"Isn't that called cheating?" Alex asks.


"Aren't you going to break up with him?" Not this again.




Looks like we have company.


Chapter 4! If you guys see any typos please notify me so I can fix it :)


So I finished writing chapter 6 the other day and I’m pretty sure that chapter 5 and 6 are my favourites so far, I’m really excited to post it. I’ll post chapter 5 in two or three days depending on how many votes and comments this chapter gets also a reminder that I’ll be posting a photo of the characters and I WILL NOT be putting up a cast, just pics.

Jacob's BetDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora