Eddy pulled up to the valet at Zola's after the agonizing minutes spent on the road and instantly got out the car. He handed the valet the keys without a word and waited for Melanie to follow him to the entrance of the restaurant before walking in.

The host nodded to Eddy, silently acknowledging his presence. He was a well respected man, given his family name, so it wasn't a surprise to Melanie that the host had noticed him so quickly.

The two of them were taken to a table in the back of the restaurant where there was more privacy to dine. A waitress approached before they could sit and pulled out a notepad.

"Hello, and welcome to Zola's, Mr. Jones," she said to Eddy. "I'm Teagan. Can I start you off with a drink?"

"We'll take waters," he said without looking at the woman.

"I'll get that right away for you."

Once the two of them were alone, Eddy reached inside the pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out a small velvet box. He slid it over to Melanie before leaning back against his chair.

"What is it?" she asked, looking up from the menu on the table.

"Open it," he urged. A smile spread across his face when she opened the box, revealing the diamond ring inside.

She raised a brow. She had been hopeful that he would propose, but she wasn't expecting this. It was a beautiful, solitaire ring, and although she did love it, she wasn't in love with the moment.

"I am proposing," he explained to her. "We're going on eight years soon, and if we do this — if we live as husband and wife, you'll have to look for a permanent job. We'll be having children soon."


"Just say yes, babe."

She opened her mouth to speak, but all words failed her. This wasn't the proposal she was looking forward to at all. She had expected something romantic after so many years of love exchanged between them.

But she wanted this. She wanted him.

"Yes, I'll marry you," she whispered, sliding the ring onto her finger. She looked down at it and smiled.

"Good. Your things will need to be moved into my place first thing tomorrow morning."

Teagan returned to the table with two glasses of water, and Eddy hurriedly took one to sip on.

"I've taken the afternoon off, so you should have enough time to get settled in." He loosed the tie around his neck and leaned over the table to kiss the corner of her mouth. "I love you, Melanie. I really do."

"I love you, too."


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