"Nope, sorry," he says.

  "Fuck you mean 'nope, sorry?'" I ask.

  "You're not getting a tattoo," he says.

  "Um, you wanna try again or are you gonna try and act like you're my father?" I ask confused on who he thinks he talking too.

  "You're 17 still, you don't turn 18 until 7:28 P.M so therefore it's not legal for you to get a tattoo right now seeing as its 1:15 P.M," he says trying to be a smart ass.

  "Okay, don't think they would care about the specific time I'm born, just the day," I say shrugging before getting my keys.

  "Oh and also did you forget a certain promise we had with each other?" He asks.

  I start think and realize suddenly "Oh yeah, we said when I turn 18 you're gonna give me my first tattoo...why the fuck did I agree to that?" I ask.

  "I don't know but it's gets to be the tattoo of my choice," he says smirking.

  "I fucked up when I promised you that," I say laughing.

  "Oh yes you did," he says chuckling while still holding a smirk.

  "Whatever you do just don't tat a dick on me," I say half joking half serious because he likes to fuck around with me a lot.

  "I won't...maybe," he says.

  "Boy I swear to God," I say shaking my head.

"Come on, I'm driving," he says.

  We drive to the place where he knows they will let him tat me. I hesitantly get out and he basically pulls me inside.

  "Aye!" he says and daps the guy at the front desk.

  "Aye X," the guy says greeting Jahseh.

"She's eighteen and says I can tattoo anything on her so you think you can hook us up so I can give her a tattoo?" Jah asks.

  "Yeah bro, follow me," He says and walks back further into the shop.

The guy starts getting everything ready with the tattoo machine which makes my nerves build up even more.

"What are you gonna tattoo on me?" I ask.

"Um, you'll see," he says.

"Ugh, I hate you," I say.

"We've already gone over this, you love me," He says making me glare. "Sit," he commands and points to a chair.

I sit down and wait for him to give me another instruction.

"Hand," He says and puts his hand out for me to take.

I take his hand and he puts my hand on the table and pins it down with his fingers. His friend preps my finger and Jahseh makes me cover my eyes while he writes on my finger what he wants to tattoo.

"You ready?" He asks while putting on gloves.

"Hell no, but go ahead," I say wanting to get everything over with.

He chuckles and turns on the machine.

"I'm about to start tattooing your finger so don't move or you're gonna fuck yourself over," he says. "And no looking," he adds.

"Just fucking do it," I say getting more and more nervous by the second.

He connects the needles with my finger making me squirm out of pain.

"Stop moving," He says.

"Can I at least uncover my eyes," I ask.

"Nope, you have to wait until I'm done," he says.

I groan of annoyance and pain. The pain goes on for a little longer until he finishes the tattoo.

"You can look now," he says after cleaning up the tattoo.

I open my eyes and smile when I realize what he tattooed on me. V.VIII.MCMLXXX. My mother's birthdate and he put wings around the date to symbolize her now being an angel in the sky.

"I fucking love you, thank you," I say and wrap my arms around him.

"I love you too," he says and wraps his arms around me.

"Rose?" I hear someone ask.

I turn around and see August.

"Hey babe," I say and hug her.

"Happy birthday bitch!" She says and hugs me back. "So why are you already here?" She asks referring to the tattoo parlor.

"Cause I got a tattoo," I say proudly.

"Oh shit, let me see," she says. "What does it mean?" She asks after looking at my finger.

"It's the Roman numerals of my mom's birthday," I tell her.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss, I never got to tell you in person," she says.

"It's fine. Anyways, should we get our tattoos?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Yeah," She says and we both go in for our appointment.

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